Two Million


New Member
Two Million. That's the estimate of the people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.
Let's assume half of them were terrorists who deserve a violent death. That still leaves a milion people dead.
Let's assume there is no God or even Karma. Let's take the hard-nosed Atheist approach and say, well, those people were going to die of something- cancer, scurvy, gum disease. Nobody lives forever. Still, a million non-enemy dead, by conservative estimate, by our hands, our bombs and shells.
Let's assume the lives of 5 children of ignorant goat-herders equals the life of one innocent U.S. citizen. Do the math and see that we have been avenged. Can we GTFO now?
The Mid-East is a poop hole

Your numbers are wrong but that isn't the point.
The point is there hasn't been another 9-11 and
that is all that matters.
doesn't matter how many corpses we leave in our wake. we're the good guys.

gimme my slogans and imaginary glory, and i'm all set!

america, fuck yeah!
Re: The Mid-East is a poop hole

Your numbers are wrong but that isn't the point.
The point is there hasn't been another 9-11 and
that is all that matters.

The numbers are wrong and so is your logic. My numbers are estimates- which are guesses at best. I truly have no idea how many people have been killed there and I'll bet nobody does or ever will. Common sense tells me they can't all be terroists or even supporters of terrorism. Common sense tells me there are terrorists all over the world, but I don't see us bombing Malaysia or Northern Ireland or Idaho.
Fire ants are a problem in my yard and I poison the fire ant beds. That poison kills a lot of other bugs that don't give me any trouble at all, but I accept the collateral damage. I don't napalm my whole yard just to spite the fire ants, though.
Yea no kidding, where is my cheap gas I paid for?

Lets assume that there is 250 billions barrels of oil in Iraq. Lets assume my SUV gets 11mpg/ 15 hwy. I usually drive alone but lets assume that sometimes I have 5 kids in the car. How many more JDAM's will it take to get gas back down to $2gal?
I'm also worried that poison is seeping into my well water. If it kills me the fire ants "win", don't they? But I won't care because I'll be dead, right?
No one cares

I'm trying to bring away from your post
something of value
cain't find nuthin'

OK so people get killed
this is a fact of life
as long as it's those people
it's all good in the hood M'Kay?
Hey we spend almost a trillion bucks a year on defense
are we getting a good bang for our bucks?
Ya gotta know two million is a bogus number
but no one really cares anyway.
cheap gas, grass or ass no one rides for free

Hella yeah lets have 29 cent a gallon gas like when I was a Kid
that would rock the economy!
Re: cheap gas, grass or ass no one rides for free

Sorry, Ethyl is gone forever.

Gone but not forgotten!
