Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Two Million. That's the estimate of the people killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.
Let's assume half of them were terrorists who deserve a violent death. That still leaves a milion people dead.
Let's assume there is no God or even Karma. Let's take the hard-nosed Atheist approach and say, well, those people were going to die of something- cancer, scurvy, gum disease. Nobody lives forever. Still, a million non-enemy dead, by conservative estimate, by our hands, our bombs and shells.
Let's assume the lives of 5 children of ignorant goat-herders equals the life of one innocent U.S. citizen. Do the math and see that we have been avenged. Can we GTFO now? this anything like the US servicemen killed in Iraq? The problem with statistics like these is that they include things that have nothing to do with bullets and bombs. They include things that have nothing to do with collateral damage. Until there is an unbiased, accurate, and undisputable analysis, then this whole thread is nothing but BS. But keep posting this kind of fiction.