U.S. drops bomb on wedding party.

Originally posted by Ardsgaine

it would be far more tragic if the world's largest free country lost the will to live.

The USA is not the world's largest free country. Canada is.
Originally posted by Luis G

how the hell a bomb can fall from a plane by "accident"?, indeed, that's stupidity as Anakin said.

I totally agree. I know it is war, and innocent people will die, but the U.S. seems to use that as an excuse to kill an unessessary amount of civillians and ALLIES. My point is simply this:

The U.S. military needs to smarten the fuck up because with modern technology and communications there is no excuse to be involved in this many friendly fire incidents and civillian bombings.
Originally posted by Anakin
Originally posted by Ardsgaine

We are not the world's policeman.

Are you not? You sure act like it.

No, we're not. I know there's a debate about that in this country, but it was a point that Bush made in the presedential debates and something I agree with him on. We should defend ourselves, but we should stay out of disputes that don't concern us-- like Bosnia and Somalia to give two examples.

How about the USA bombing Canadian soldiers in a marked Allied training field? The report was released, and found that the pilots were to blame. They did not have permission to drop bombs but did so anyways.

Shit like that happens all the time in training exercises among US troops. A certain number of US soldiers die every year due to accidents. Are you saying that such accidents never happen with Canadian troops? I had never heard that Canadians were such intellectual giants. It's a new one on me, eh?

Ignorant fucking cowards.

Easy to say where you're sitting.
Originally posted by Ardsgaine

No, we're not. I know there's a debate about that in this country, but it was a point that Bush made in the presedential debates and something I agree with him on. We should defend ourselves, but we should stay out of disputes that don't concern us-- like Bosnia and Somalia to give two examples.

Lets face the facts. The U.S. shoves its nose in everybody's business from east to west, north to south. Denie it all you want, but you sure as hell act as if you are the world's police force.

Shit like that happens all the time in training exercises among US troops. A certain number of US soldiers die every year due to accidents. Are you saying that such accidents never happen with Canadian troops? I had never heard that Canadians were such intellectual giants. It's a new one on me, eh?

Yes, shit like that happens all the time, and it's completely unessessary. And yes, I AM saying that that shit doesn't happen with Canadian troops. When was the last time a Canadian killed one of his own troops? World War II perhaps? :rolleyes:

Easy to say where you're sitting.

They are cowards for dropping the bomb without permission. They may have thought they were in some sort of danger so they go and drop a bomb on anything that they can see. That shows a total lack of disipline.
Canada Friendly fire

It happened in Somalia, but then it wasn't the big bad USA that did, so I guess that makes it ok.

You know what, I'll say it again, I really wish you people that BEG for our help would actually appreciate it. That is our biggest problem, we are there to help you anyone that asks, and get bit in the hand every time we do.

We need to learn to say Fuck You, do it yourself.
the sad thing is that much of the world see the us as its policemen. how many popular police do you know? i don't think that you are, but that doesn't change how its percieved.

if the us sees that terrorism is its business to destroy then it will mean that they will have to get involved in a lot more things that might be considered none of its concern, including by its citizens.
Originally posted by PuterTutor
Canada Friendly fire

It happened in Somalia, but then it wasn't the big bad USA that did, so I guess that makes it ok.

Okay, so 1992. That is 10 years ago that Canada was involved in a friendly-fire accident and at fault. 10 years ago! Now that is much more reasonable than the American statistics since they are involved in a friendly-fire incident about every month or so. A one time accident is okay, but if it happens as often as it is with the American military, it's not acceptable. The American military needs to be more careful where it drops its bombs. If they are not sure if it is the enemy, or if they actually pose a threat, then for god sake don't drop a bomb on them!

I'll give the Americans some sympathy though with the last incident with the wedding party. The civillians were shooting into the air and they should have known better, tradition or not. But, the incident with the Canadians in a marked training area shooting at targets, I do not accept any excuses.
New, Improved Facts


* It wasn't a bomb, it was a strike by a C-130 gunship.

* The strike was called in due to anti-aircraft fire.

* The chance that celebratory fire was mistaken for anti-aircraft fire is pretty low.

* The casualties might have been caused by the C-130, or they might have been caused by the anti-aircraft guns returning fire.
seeing as there appear to be lots of conflicting reports i'll wait until rumsfeld's investigation has taken place. first it was a bomb, now its a gunship, i'm happy to wait a week for the full picture to come clear.
Originally posted by Anakin
Lets face the facts. The U.S. shoves its nose in everybody's business from east to west, north to south. Denie it all you want, but you sure as hell act as if you are the world's police force.

When we've tried to stay out of other countries' business, we've been accused both by people here and people overseas of being isolationists. It's a debate that's been going on in the US for over a century. When I say that the US is not the world's policeman, I am telling you which side of the debate I'm on. I'm not trying to tell you that we haven't acted that way at times. I already gave two examples, Bosnia and Somalia, where I believe we had no business interfering.

Yes, shit like that happens all the time, and it's completely unessessary. And yes, I AM saying that that shit doesn't happen with Canadian troops. When was the last time a Canadian killed one of his own troops? World War II perhaps?

It did happen with Canadian troops, and it would happen a lot more often if you actually put more than a few thousand men in the field at one time-- something else that hasn't happened since WWII.

They are cowards for dropping the bomb without permission. They may have thought they were in some sort of danger so they go and drop a bomb on anything that they can see. That shows a total lack of disipline.

First of all, it wasn't 'they', it was one pilot. Second of all, you're calling it cowardice, but the reports I've seen describe him as being trigger happy. Having an over-eagerness to engage the enemy isn't cowardice. Lastly, the pilot was not informed ahead of time that there was a training mission going on in the area.

He did, however, violate a direct order to standby, and he was found solely responsible for the accident. I don't know what disciplinary action has been taken against him, but he will probably never fly for the US military again.

Trying to turn that incident into an indictment of the US military is idiotic.
Originally posted by Ardsgaine

First of all, it wasn't 'they', it was one pilot. Second of all, you're calling it cowardice, but the reports I've seen describe him as being trigger happy. Having an over-eagerness to engage the enemy isn't cowardice. Lastly, the pilot was not informed ahead of time that there was a training mission going on in the area.

He did, however, violate a direct order to standby, and he was found solely responsible for the accident. I don't know what disciplinary action has been taken against him, but he will probably never fly for the US military again.

Trying to turn that incident into an indictment of the US military is idiotic.

I say "they" because there were two F16s, but only one dropped a bomb. I can very well use this incident as an indictment of the U.S. military because:

1. It was an established training area.

2. The Canadians took all the necessary measures before heading out for said excercise.

3. The Canadians were not firing at the jet therefore the pilot was not acting in self defense.

4. The U.S. pilot was not told that it was a training area, bad communications between various American forces.

5. He was told to mark the target and wait for orders. He did not wait and dropped the bomb without permission. Had he had waited, ground control could have alerted him to the fact that they were friendlies.
Originally posted by Anakin

1. It was an established training area.

2. The Canadians took all the necessary measures before heading out for said excercise.

3. The Canadians were not firing at the jet therefore the pilot was not acting in self defense.

4. The U.S. pilot was not told that it was a training area, bad communications between various American forces.

5. He was told to mark the target and wait for orders. He did not wait and dropped the bomb without permission. Had he had waited, ground control could have alerted him to the fact that they were friendlies.
1. Established by who?

2. Probably did.

3. There were reports of tracer bullets flying upwards at a 45 degree angle, whether they were at the f-16's or not, you nor I can say.

4. Is it at all possible that the Canadian forces didn't clearly communicate with the U.S. Troops, or are you going to say we should have been babysitting you better, and known where you were?

5. Still say it's possible that he acted in self-defense, yes, he dropped the bomb after being told no, but still had standing orders to defend himself.

As stated earlier, the US or any military can not take the time to ask for ID before engaging targets in a hostile country, while they are shooting at you.

I do believe that both the Canadian and the recent wedding incedent are unfortanate, but they are things that happen in a war zone. Do you not think that this type of thing has happened in Every military engagement? It has. The problem now is that the moment it happens, it is broadcasted to the entire world. I for one am tired of my country trying to help out whenever it can, and being told how bloodhungry and evil we are when Accidents happen.
I only have one thing to say: sb, perhaps when *#*%( #(*%) #(%*#@& #*$( #(%(*#@ _+@+) !@*@($*) %_(*#&.

I changed my mind, I'll just think it.
Originally posted by Anakin
I say "they" because there were two F16s, but only one dropped a bomb.

So if only one dropped a bomb, why do you say that "they" were cowards? You're not being very rational about this, are you? [/QUOTE]
And if you (the US) wants to fight a war, learn to kill only guilty people.

My God, I hope that's a result of English not being your first language. If you truly meant to type that, then you are seriously the most ill-informed, least experienced person I've met recently, and you do NOT need to be commenting on this issue until you've spent at least 2 years reading up on military doctrine and history.

I damn near wet myself when I read that line.