U.S. drops bomb on wedding party.

Originally posted by Anakin
Originally posted by Luis G

how the hell a bomb can fall from a plane by "accident"?, indeed, that's stupidity as Anakin said.

I totally agree. I know it is war, and innocent people will die, but the U.S. seems to use that as an excuse to kill an unessessary amount of civillians and ALLIES. My point is simply this:

The U.S. military needs to smarten the fuck up because with modern technology and communications there is no excuse to be involved in this many friendly fire incidents and civillian bombings.

Anakin (or should I say SBCANADA), YOUR stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Every time I think you couldn't get more ignorant, you drop another notch. The US military is not so stupid as you'd like to believe. Believe it or not...accidents happen. Your birth is proof of that. You have no intelligent arguments for any topic, but you always have a comment in order to draw a flame. Modern technology is not the be-all-end-all you seem to believe, either. I'm sure you realize that the technology that holds a bomb to a B-52 is over 40 years old...but, then again, that would mean that you have at least a little intelligence, and you looked up that fact yourself. Hey...maybe you just like spouting off on the US because you have an inferiority complex...or maybe it's because you're just a pompous, self-important, moronic, ignorant ass. You may not like the US. You may not like the US military. You may not even like me, but you'd better learn something before your mouth opens and more idiocy falls out. You are not in charge of anything...you do not control anything, and, as far as I know, you've never even belonged to anything. You are not, nor will you ever be, in anyones military, you have no experience in any kind of action, and you have no idea of what you are talking about. Luis G, at least, doesn't come off as an idiot. His posts are intelligent, and actually quite comforting. I may not agree with him, but at least he's not acting like a pile of shit on the dinner table.
[mod hat on]

could we please lay off the personal attacks, the issues here are sensitive but there is still no reason for abuse of the individual.
if such posts continue then the thread will have to be locked.

[/mod hat off]

seconds out, round two [no biting, gouging, punching below the belt, no impersonations etc] ... :cool:
No impersonations? That'l be the day. Some people here have so many alts that the lithium can't sort it out for them anymore.
Sorry, ris, you're right.

In that spirit, Luis, I dug a little and found a few quotes from you which made me think that your main purpose here was to badmouth my country and promote some conspriracy theories, rather then just speak your mind.

What do you have to say about the more than 15,000 innocent people, that died in Afganistan by the hands of your country?


You will not find any proof from the US or Canada, they hide that info from you.


If Afganistan people would be as close minded as you, they'd think that there's no single innocent US citizen.


Media, propaganda.........that's all about what it is.....

You just hear of a "suicidal terrorist attack", but you don't hear anything about "200 palestinian killed in the Jenin operative"


So you're saying that any further terrorist attack on the US is morally justified too
they would be defending THEIR FREEDOM


Seem to be doubting that terrorist attacks even happened in this thread. Maybe you were joking, maybe not.


Now, maybe I'm mistaken, but I seemed to see a real trend here. Combined with your "Way to ignore it" remark, this served to piss me off. My mistake, as that's not worth it. But, that's where my comment was coming from.
Originally posted by HomeLAN
Now, maybe I'm mistaken, but I seemed to see a real trend here. Combined with your "Way to ignore it" remark, this served to piss me off. My mistake, as that's not worth it. But, that's where my comment was coming from.

i'm not ignoring anything, i just realized that my comments are getting more and more offensive with time so i better stay out of the discussion. i don't like war, and talking about it pisses me off.

peace :D
ok, i see many comments and even quotes about myself.
pardon my english, i will try to explain it as clear as i can.

what happened to the WTC, and what happens in every terrorist attack is a coward act, no doubt of that, i can not stand anybody deliberately killing innocent people to reach his purposes, do they deserve a punishment? yes, do they deserve to die? i don't know i don't support death penalty.

on the other hand, what's currently happening to many people in Palestine and Afghanistan is not fair, the army could do much better to avoid killing innocent people (i hope that's what you understood from the other post HomeLAN), i've never been in a war, i know for a fact that civilians will die, but the number of civilians in Afghanistan and Palestine is increasing, and i feel really really bad about it, they are people and they're not guilty.

i read the news, and i know that most of it just propaganda, what i read was: "a bomb was dropped by accident", that makes me mad, people dying because of an accident??, damn, they should do better to avoid that type of accidents.

if a bomb drops over a taliban or any terrorist target i will not feel sorry about them, they wanted a war they have it now.
btw, i will reply now, and probly avoid posting some more in this type of news, as i see that many of you misunderstand what i'm trying to say, or maybe my english is not good enough to make myself clear.
Do better, that would always be nice. Always be able to tell, as if by magic, which Afghan is firing in celbration, and which is firing AT YOU, that's not realistic. That was what I got from it.

I prolly ought to stay out of these, too. This particular topic is one that's just likely to piss me off.
Originally posted by ris
[mod hat on]

could we please lay off the personal attacks, the issues here are sensitive but there is still no reason for abuse of the individual.
if such posts continue then the thread will have to be locked.

[/mod hat off]

seconds out, round two [no biting, gouging, punching below the belt, no impersonations etc] ... :cool:

yes, as badly as he needed a telling off, it is against the aup to direct personal attacks on someone ;)
Originally posted by ris
[mod hat on]

could we please lay off the personal attacks, the issues here are sensitive but there is still no reason for abuse of the individual.
if such posts continue then the thread will have to be locked.

[/mod hat off]

seconds out, round two [no biting, gouging, punching below the belt, no impersonations etc] ... :cool:

So now you're going to step into my forum and act like a mod here? Sheesh, I really feel needed now. You know what? I quit.

j/k :D
ris' evil empire is expanding....mwahahahahahaha :D

all because i'm a power hungry socialistic communist :p ;)

j/k :)
Originally posted by outside looking in
I only have one thing to say: sb, perhaps when *#*%( #(*%) #(%*#@& #*$( #(%(*#@ _+@+) !@*@($*) %_(*#&.

I changed my mind, I'll just think it.

Common, I'm sure you can think of something rational to say rather than all that cussing. :p
Originally posted by Gato_Solo

Anakin (or should I say SBCANADA), YOUR stupidity never ceases to amaze me. Every time I think you couldn't get more ignorant, you drop another notch. The US military is not so stupid as you'd like to believe. Believe it or not...accidents happen. Your birth is proof of that. You have no intelligent arguments for any topic, but you always have a comment in order to draw a flame. Modern technology is not the be-all-end-all you seem to believe, either. I'm sure you realize that the technology that holds a bomb to a B-52 is over 40 years old...but, then again, that would mean that you have at least a little intelligence, and you looked up that fact yourself. Hey...maybe you just like spouting off on the US because you have an inferiority complex...or maybe it's because you're just a pompous, self-important, moronic, ignorant ass. You may not like the US. You may not like the US military. You may not even like me, but you'd better learn something before your mouth opens and more idiocy falls out. You are not in charge of anything...you do not control anything, and, as far as I know, you've never even belonged to anything. You are not, nor will you ever be, in anyones military, you have no experience in any kind of action, and you have no idea of what you are talking about. Luis G, at least, doesn't come off as an idiot. His posts are intelligent, and actually quite comforting. I may not agree with him, but at least he's not acting like a pile of shit on the dinner table.

First off, what is with people with shouting out "SBCANADA" in caps, as if they are revealing some secret? Everybody knows I was sbcanada so shut the hell up and call me by my present name.

Why do you assume I will never be in someone's military? I very well could be in the future. Are you some kind of fortune teller or psychic? Fuck off.

Many of my posts do indeed intend to stir up some controversy. That is what makes a site like this interesting. Deal with it.
Originally posted by PuterTutor
Originally posted by Anakin

1. It was an established training area.

2. The Canadians took all the necessary measures before heading out for said excercise.

3. The Canadians were not firing at the jet therefore the pilot was not acting in self defense.

4. The U.S. pilot was not told that it was a training area, bad communications between various American forces.

5. He was told to mark the target and wait for orders. He did not wait and dropped the bomb without permission. Had he had waited, ground control could have alerted him to the fact that they were friendlies.
1. Established by who?

2. Probably did.

3. There were reports of tracer bullets flying upwards at a 45 degree angle, whether they were at the f-16's or not, you nor I can say.

4. Is it at all possible that the Canadian forces didn't clearly communicate with the U.S. Troops, or are you going to say we should have been babysitting you better, and known where you were?

5. Still say it's possible that he acted in self-defense, yes, he dropped the bomb after being told no, but still had standing orders to defend himself.

As stated earlier, the US or any military can not take the time to ask for ID before engaging targets in a hostile country, while they are shooting at you.

I do believe that both the Canadian and the recent wedding incedent are unfortanate, but they are things that happen in a war zone. Do you not think that this type of thing has happened in Every military engagement? It has. The problem now is that the moment it happens, it is broadcasted to the entire world. I for one am tired of my country trying to help out whenever it can, and being told how bloodhungry and evil we are when Accidents happen.

1. The training area was an Allied training area for use by coalition forces in Afghanistan.

3. I heard of no tracer bullets flying into the sky. Would you care to provide reference to that incident?

4. The Canadians took all neccessary actions before going out for the training excersise. Meaning, the Allied forces should have known where they would be. It is the American military's failure to communicate this info to the pilots that contributed to this accident.

The Associated Press reported from Kandahar that Afghan fighters manning a checkpoint near the accident site reported seeing eight or 10 red streaks heading skyward at a 45-degree angle, which they assumed to be tracer bullets from the exercise.
Originally posted by Anakin
1. The training area was an Allied training area for use by coalition forces in Afghanistan.

3. I heard of no tracer bullets flying into the sky. Would you care to provide reference to that incident?

4. The Canadians took all neccessary actions before going out for the training excersise. Meaning, the Allied forces should have known where they would be. It is the American military's failure to communicate this info to the pilots that contributed to this accident.

we have a missing reason number 2, that must be in a top secret document ;)

j/k :D