My bro is an vet with a medical discharge. He went from high school to the Army to medical discharge to student with a part-time job. (She worked full time but she never finished high school in the former communist country she came from.) He, his wife and 2 kids live in the US. His wife developed a lump in her breast. They had no health insurance and did not have the massive stack of cash needed to be a private patient at an oncologist's office to have it tested. They went from free clinic to free clinic looking for someone to test the lump for cancer and could not get a single clinic to even see her.As usual, statistics on healthcare only tell the tale they want told. americans pay huge health costs ..... for medical care when and where they need it. Canadians have to go cap in hand begging for permission for the treatments they need...provided there's a doctor handy to provide it and he hasn't already charged too many hours this week. The american health industry (not service, industry) generates what percentage of the annual total of new treatments and cures? Odd that that number never appears in anyone stats, isn't it?
Spike, once again I repeat .....your country was based on the idea that you get what you pay for. You have freedoms NONE of the other countries you list give their public. We got medicare ... and all the punishments that go with it. Sure, we'll treat anyone's cancer who's a resident.... if you can get to a doctor before it kills you. Good luck with that. You can walk into a doctor's office and seek treatment TODAY.
Feb 2010, The premier of NFLD traveled to Miami for heart surgery.
June 2007 Belinda Stronach... went to US for breast cancer treatment
Robert bourassa...To the Us for treatment of multiple melanoma.
Odd that people with all the pull necessary to line hop ... still chose to leave the country and pay of of pocket for treatment.
Eventually they borrowed money to pay a private family doctor and found that it was a cyst and not cancer and she was treated with antibiotics. That was a harrowing year for them. They didn't know if she was dying.
America does not have the best system in the world for health care if those that need it have no way of getting it. Likewise, Canada does not have the best system in the world either if you have to wait past the point of death to get proper treatment. All of my Canadian relatives pay for private doctors.