Ugh for [b]


molṑn labé
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Where to go from here...

WND said:
Is the word "homosexual" a term invoking hate or derision?

The question arises after a homosexual attorney fighting against a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages was infuriated when called "homosexual" by opposing lawyers.

Attorney John Rawls insisted he was not a homosexual, but, rather, a "gay" man.

In a hearing Friday before Louisiana District Judge Mike Caldwell, Rawls, according to published reports, lost his temper, his face turned red, and he lunged at the attorney defending traditional heterosexual marriage.

"No one calls me the H-word," Rawls said in defense of his outburst.

The incident did not go unnoticed by pro-family advocates.

"The suggestion that a legitimate descriptive word can be transformed into an epithet simply because one feels offended is ludicrous," said Stephen Crampton, chief counsel for the American Family Association's Center for Law & Policy. "It is also a sobering indication of where we are heading if the radical homosexuals have their way with hate-crimes legislation."

"Homosexual activists leave no room for free speech. They arrogate to themselves the authority to determine who may and may not speak, and what language they must use," he added.

Brian Fahling, a senior trial attorney for the CLP, said, "The term 'homosexual' is the proper term for an individual such as Mr. Rawls, who admits that he is sexually attracted to persons of the same sex. Mr. Rawls, like New Jersey Gov. McGreevey, apparently thinks he has his 'own truth'; let us hope that they do not succeed in redefining truth for all of us."

McGreevey, a Democrat, last week announced he would resign his position after having a consensual homosexual affair with a member of his staff, an allegation the male staff member denies.
"No one calls me the H-word," Rawls said in defense of his outburst.

That was a bit childish, don't you think? On the other hand, the "n" word was considered descriptive at one time. :shrug:
Accepteable terminology varies with the times. Each generation will turn away from the previous one's terms and language and find their own.

As an example:
etc etc...

I still hear some of my friends calling each other "Crazy niggers"... :shrug:

If the homosexuals (which is a non-gender scientific term) wish to call themselves gays and lesbians...let 'em. It doesn't change a thing.

Give them a few years...the term faggot might actually come back into fashion.
The homosexual crowd had to steal & re-define a word, Gay. Why aren't lesbians homosexual or gay? :hmm:

Nigger has always had negative connotations. Negro is the best descriptive word. Colored could be anybody beyond Dutch white, black describes so few & African -American is a lie.
interesting guy, that Rawls fellow. around here, about 99.9 percent of the gay community would agree that "homosexual" is less offensive than "gay".
i never heard a straight person whine about somebody saying he was a heterosexual.

Rawls belongs to the people, who just want to whine about every little thing and really should just stop invoking hate by doing so.

'shut the fuck up' is something that comes to mind, with these kind of people.
I think the N-werd comes from uneducated and poor pronuciation of the scientific anthropological term(s) Negroid (also Mongoloid and Caucasoid).

Homosexual is a behavioral description of sexual orientation. Although it has become accepted as a social term aslo.

Gay’s too often refer to each other in derogatory fashion by calling each other “fag”, “ queen”, “bitch” among others, and worse.

I wonder how Rawls would react if they called him a happily excitable man (Gay).

It is more selective tolerance.
Gonz said:
Why aren't lesbians homosexual or gay? :hmm:

Erm... They are. At least the ones I'm friendly with consider themselves so. You probably don't notice becasue you're not as offended by a gay woman as you are a gay man.

Edit: We agree on the usage of the word gay, though.
ResearchMonkey said:
I think the N-werd comes from uneducated and poor pronuciation of the scientific anthropological term(s) Negroid (also Mongoloid and Caucasoid).

Homosexual is a behavioral description of sexual orientation. Although it has become accepted as a social term aslo.

Gay’s too often refer to each other in derogatory fashion by calling each other “fag”, “ queen”, “bitch” among others, and worse.

I wonder how Rawls would react if they called him a happily excitable man (Gay).

It is more selective tolerance.

It sounds more like a grab for media attention to me. :shrug:
HomeLAN said:
Forget about his orientation. He's a trial lawyer. 'Nuff said. matter what their orientation (or gender) is, they always end up bending you over a small desk anyway :p
One of the major reasons I left this board was a conversation I once had in which I said nigger, not as a derogatory term towards any member, but to make a point that some people see words like, gay, faggot, or homosexual in the same way as some people view the word nigger. There was a serious to-do about the whole thing and eventually I left.

This was the point I was trying to make then, and this is the point I will try to make now... a word is a word. Your perception of that word effects how you react when you hear it. To me, saying "the n word" is just as silly as this man saying "the h word". Big whoopty f word deal.

I'm not offended by words slung by uneducated persons who don't have the intellectual skills to win in an argument with me and instead retaliate by calling me a faggot. Since it is true that I am a man that enjoys the sexual company of another man, and that seems to be the only word you can come up with to describe the nature of my sexuality, then yes, I am indeed a faggot.

For this man to get upset with someone calling him homosexual is just as dumb as the people who got bent out of shape when Arnold said "girly men."

Get a grip on reality people, there are much larger fish to fry.

If all the words that are offensive are kept to a bare minimum & used only in this forum & in proper context we'll have an awfull boring site but it'll be fun in the RW.