unc's crazy post collection


New Member
I've been rooting through some old threads and been laughing my butt off at some of the things said over the months and years. If you root through the past and find a gem post of mine... paste it here and say where it came from.

10,000 post thread #3897
*strikes a Shakespearean pose* Unc is spamming his own thread as a direct compettitor to this ... this, this bare countenace; devoid of character, remis in direction, usurper of hubris. I vex thee... *graceful exit*
From the thread at JJR's in which I asked about moving a computer monitor from a roach-infested rathole (which later burned down, but anyway) and suggested freezing it:

Freezing doesn't kill roaches. They can take being dropped into liquid nitrogen and then flashed alive via a microwave.
All of your major chemicals leave either an abrasive powder base that can screw up your sensitive case components or an oil film that is no better. The monitor and speakers are different. What you can do is get a smallish coat closet and pile in all of suspect material like speakers, monitor, microwave inside. Toss in one of those fog bombs and slam the door shut. Quickly slap a towel over the bottom door crack and then hit the side and top seams with box tape. Leave for a few hours so you don't suck in errant fumes. Leave it sealed up for two days. When you go retrieve it, you will see a dozen or so of the little bastards dead in there with your gear. Go buy a can of Roach Prufe... that deadly white doom powder, the boric acid stuff... its the nuclear weapon of anti roach. Dust all of the little hidden areas and edges and behind the fridge and stuff... all over. The droppings are the sure fire sign of where they like to accumulate. Egg sacks denote a current or old nest. Open up all of the drawers. Lift up silverware trays. Pull drawers and look inside the casing top and bottom. The little bastards are sneaky. I just hope there are no small animals about. The stuff is a powerful dehydrator. Anyone who lives there may notice a certain amount of headaches. Make it clear that they need to wash everything prior to ingestion as well as wash their hands. It takes a few weeks to see full effect... but the effect is dramatic. Anything like stereos or computer cases should be opened with a screwdriver if possible and just vaccumed out... compressed air... that kind of thing.
A cheaper method is to mix the washing powder '20 mule team borax' with a little confectioners sugar and dust with that. You can also make long term bait buscits with the same borax and some sweetened cocoa. Mix it up with a touch of water until it becomes a gritty paste. Spoon it out onto a cookie sheet or something to dry. Distribute these all over... where pets and little kids can't get them. One inside the stereo would do nicely as well. Pepper the nest if you can find it. They like to hide near the kitchen becuse of the food and water supply. If they have one of those wall inset ovens... look for a pop panel access panel and take a peek back there with a flashlight. Theres an awful large amount of comfy space back there that they seem to be safe in. Powder it. After 3 weeks, vaccum up as much of the loose powder as you can. Stuff behind the fridge can't be dealt with... oh well. At least kiddies can't get at it.
Happy hunting.
Your follow-up post in the same thread:

Thats not cut and paste... thats free hand by experience. Steve and I used to live in an old crack town Marietta duplex that had recurring mild infestations. We were always leaning new techniques of keeping wildlife at bay. Even worse was when we moved into a house in Smyrna that he bought. We ended up importing at least three species of your basic German roach. They took to the kitchen and bred like mad. Those little bait traps are a frickin joke. Steve and I both agreed to exist off of takeout food and beer for 6 weeks so I could wage war. The recommended dosage for the area that I was working with was about 4 tablespoons. I used a full kilo of powder. I went agent orange all over the place and did the closet bomb trick. It was so poisonous that I had a stiff headache the entire time and I'm pretty sure that it stripped a few years off of my life. But they went down in flames asap.
I also had a friend who lived in trailer trash squalor wherein the entire area was a rolling infestation. The stories I could tell about that place... yeesh... It still creeps me out. When she moved out, I took charge. I inspected and controlled everything to make sure there were no hitchhikers. Since nothing appeared, I assume I was successful.
Roaches will have a central nest of some kind. Theres no telling where. I've seen them in stereos and microwaves. When the infestation hits critical mass... there are several nests... and some can actually be right out in the open. God I am glad those days are done.
and he hadn't noticed that he was a tad verbose before :alienhuh:


*remembers that thread*
and he's multilingual too! said:
Chorizo estilo Toluca (2)

1/2 Kg. de carne (pulpa o maciza) de puerco; 175 grs. de lardo o grasa interior del cerdo; 50 gramos de chile ancho; 20 grs. de gramos de chile pasilla; 1/2 cebolla chica; 1/2 taza de vinagre; 1 diente de ajo; 1 pizca de cominos; 1 clavo de olor; Una pizca de pimentón choricero; Un pellizco de pimienta, semillas de cilantro y canela; sal la necesaria y tripas de cerdo limpias para embutir.

Pique finamente o muela en molino o procesador la carne y el lardo. Tueste, desvene y muela los chiles los demás ingredientes; agregue el vinagre y sal. Mezcle bien todo, deje reposar por varias horas y rellene las tripas, haciendo amarres con cáñamo o hilo grueso cada 5 centímetros aproximadamente para formar las bolas del chorizo.

Gato_Solo said:
You're talking about the man who has a problem with Kim Chee. Salt may be too hot for him. :lol:

The problem I have with the Kim Chee is that I can't get far enough up wind of it.....