Universal ID Cards

Squiggy said:
Regarding the swipe cards....I would not believe that there would ever be such a system without someone creating a data base from it. That data base would be so powerful as to render the consumer defenseless. 'They' would have complete control over everything at that point.


It would have to be strictly a viewer (no hardrive or recordable media and not connected to anything by any wires)

or it probably shouldnt happen at all....
once again im too much in teh middle since it is a privacy issue but it would help cut gov't spending so they can put the money to something else thats more helpful. itd be nice for a grey area here where you can kind of have both or at least not be giving up too much info
A Universal ID sounds like a good idea. I know it would be a lot easier. I have a Driver's license, General Texas ID, Military ID, Voter ID, my GYM membership ID (that looks very similar to my DR. license), and my Health Issurance card. Having just one ID would make things so much easier for me....
AnomalousEntity said:
Anyone have a problem with this!!!

No problems...but not everyone's as angelic as you, though. ;)

How about an ID trial based on your fingerprint...or eyeID. ?

**I hate to do this because I wasn't looking for a fight but...how about if they included gun-ownership records? Then whoever had the list would kow who to hit/not hit depending of what they were trying to steal**
I'm somewhat cautious about putting all my eggs in one basket, partly because I don't like the idea of all that information being accessible, regardless of how classified it is, and partly because it makes ID theft that much more easier. AND, I don't like the idea of being branded if I have a criminal record (which I don't). Sometimes, people do stupid things which get put on their record, and that's there for the rest of their lives, even when they've moved on, it's there, like a black mark against their name - now why would they want that on their card as well?
re : universal id cards

my only real problem with this is losing the card itself. i mean someone could find it and get the information but i don't care about that, it's having no other form of ID that is the problem with this
how would you obtain your original birth certificate (which would be required, i imagine, to get a new ID car) without any form of ID at all?
MrBishop said:
No problems...but not everyone's as angelic as you, though. ;)

How about an ID trial based on your fingerprint...or eyeID. ?

**I hate to do this because I wasn't looking for a fight but...how about if they included gun-ownership records? Then whoever had the list would kow who to hit/not hit depending of what they were trying to steal**


No fight. I am %100 for this (as long as they maintain a personal right to choose that law abiding citizens can obtain and carry if they wish).

I would like for that to be documented the card. It is already flagged on my drivers liscense, and filed with the local police and sheriffs department. And its legal in many other states...but it wouldnt be filed in the other states. What do I care if I am having to present my permitt or the id card...IT DOES THE SAME THING EITHER WAY.

We already have to present the permitt, drivers liscense and inform the officer we are armed EVERY TIME WE SPEAK WITH A POLICE OFFICER.

Also, it would be extremely helpful to the officer to immediately know if someone had a gun who was not aurhtorized to do so. Put their criminal history on there while your at it!

ps. THEY WOULDNT get far trying to steal my guns...they are in a fireproof safe that is bolted to the floor. You cant get to the bolts unless you have the combination to the safe....and before you get to the safe you have to avoid a glass break sensor in my bedroom, 2 motion detectors in the house, and every door leading into the house. The the safe is so big you would need 4 people to carry it.

So ummm.....BRING THEM ON!

As far as robbing me...well I keep one on me at all times.
AnomalousEntity said:

What would you have to hide from the feds unless you were doing somthing illegal

It's none of their goddamn business, for starters.

Freedom reigns supreme over all.
CydCharisse said:
A Universal ID sounds like a good idea. I know it would be a lot easier. I have a Driver's license, General Texas ID, Military ID, Voter ID, my GYM membership ID (that looks very similar to my DR. license), and my Health Issurance card. Having just one ID would make things so much easier for me....

You mean you haven't received the new military "smart card"? Mine has a chip that details my medical history, pay history, SSN, and assignment history. If somebody steals that, I'm pretty much SOL. They even have card readers on the computers here at work to access your 'secure e-mail' accounts. :eek: Imagine if/when somebody cracks that code...
Let the grand experiment begin

The European Union took its first step yesterday towards the creation of an EU-wide health identity card able to store a range of biometric and personal data on a microchip by 2008. Approved by Union ministers in Luxembourg, the plastic disk will slide into the credit-card pouch of a wallet or purse.

The European Health Insurance Card is intended to end the bureaucratic misery of E111 forms currently used by travellers who fall ill in other EU countries. Eventually it will replace a plethora of other complex forms needed for longer stays.

But civil liberties groups said it was the start of a scheme for a harmonised data chip that would quickly evolve into an EU "identity card" containing intrusive information off all kinds that could be read by a computer.

simply, NO. I want to be a hermit and only have people know what I want them to know about me.