

New Member
Here I am again :D I've been in and out these past few years but I still come by regularly to check everything out, even if I don't post anything.

My avatar is my most recent family pic, the kiddies are growing so fast. This is the best pic out of the 50 or so the photographer took. Getting my two kids to pose at the same time is impossible :D
My boy's a runner!! He won't stay still for a minute!! (I should be skinnier without all this running around I do) :D
What? You went out & got a life? Good for you. Nice looking group.
Life? What is that, life? I thought it only existed in movies ;)

Anywho, I've been busy with my son's therapy and such. He was diagnosed with autism almost a year ago and life's been crazy with doctors, therapy, tests and running around getting him to his appointments.

Things are calming down though now that he started preschool and we're getting into a routine. You may see a little more of me every now and again :D
Your family is beautiful Ku'u!!

I'm graduated and working a full time job now. I think I'd like to stay with the company long term, they're awesome...we just got named as one of Canada's Best Workplaces by Canadian Business (we're number 8, they rank the top 50 but a lot more than that apply). I may not stay in Toronto long term though, we have two offices on the west coast. I dunno though...moving so far away from everyone I know kinda freaks me out...we'll see :)