I'm almost ashamed to admit that I live with my wife, two cats and three dogs, and yet I have six working computers (parts to build two or three more), four televisions (not counting two of the computers that have tv tuners) and five stereos (not counting the PA).PuterTutor said:Some of us only have 4.
I have. I only have three cars and two motorcycles, after all.Justintime said:Good god man! CONTROL YOURSELF!!!
Justintime said:Good god man! CONTROL YOURSELF!!!
Justintime said:Oh and Clarissa.. your puters a clunker, and it still is
or ???? You decide.HomeLAN said:Hmm, three people here, one only 2 years old, and 5 functioning machines. Apparently, it's not as uncommon as you'd think...
chcr said:You'll be hard pressed to find one that reflects your personality as well as my av does my personality.
Q said: