Upgraded the forum software.

OOOH!~ You give karma with no pop up and it takes you right back to where you were and everything!
*Humps fury :leghump:
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh............I thought it was me, no shoutbox......I'm lost........not talking to myself....LOL
When I quote a post in firefox, it shows the HTML code of the message as well. It also made firefox give me a random crash... but then again, it might just be that time of the month for firefox.

EDIT: I like how we've got the new style of editing posts.
Why can I see everyone else's av but mine says "Nixy's Avatar" instead of showing my mousey?
scroll waaaaaaaay down to the very bottom of this page. On the left, there is a style selector down there, so you can just pick the one you had before.