steweygrrrr said:
Sorry Mare but I have to agree with chic. Its their belief, their practice, their culture. What? People want these stamped out like during the colonisation of the american continent?
Here's an example for ya then stewey.....
I neither belong or am affiliated with any formal religious organisation. I don't practice as a doctor and I have no theological qualificatons.
Tomorrow I visit a family and convince them that I have to perform a ceremony on their child that will involve cutting them with a blade, blood will be drawn. They allow me to do it.
When the police pick me up later in the day and ask why i did it and I say "it is the will of God/(insert diety of choice here)"..... what do you think will be the outcome?
I'll either be thrown in jail or locked away in a mental hospital.
Now if I
was a member of a formal religion and I cut a child in front of a couple of hundred people who all smiled and threw a celebration because I'd "performed a duty for God"........nothing would happen.
Is it just me..........or does the world deliberatly turn a blind eye to these barbaric acts?? I remember a huge movement to outlaw female circumsicion throughout the world..........yet male circumsicion/ritual scarring and who knows what else is tolerated
Hmm, bit of a rant there.........but as far as I'm concerned, anyone who would take a blade to a perfectly healthy the name of God or whatever.......should be tried as a criminal. A person has their whole life to decide if they want to follow a religion, it shouldn't be forced on them before they are capable of independent decision making