US bars France, Germany, Russia and Canada from Iraq contracts

PuterTutor said:
You are right to a point though Rose, when you live in a state that predominately votes one party or the other, your vote does seem meaningless, however, that is part of the problem. Our votes are not meaningless, but there are a great number of people who think they are, hence, they don't vote.

Well, I realize that, which is why I make it a point to vote. But if 'they' (government) want to see the polls really packed - they ought to lift the electoral college and make every vote count for itself. At least in my opinion.
Rose said:
Well, I realize that, which is why I make it a point to vote. But if 'they' (government) want to see the polls really packed - they ought to lift the electoral college and make every vote count for itself. At least in my opinion.

if population density was even, all around the states, it would work.

if you had our system, that works better too (uhmm, each area, which are determened by population, not size votes in one minister, the leader of the party with the most ministers is the prime minister, and he gets to fight the decepticons)
Gato_Solo said:


Relax, Bish. If the US government thought of Canada as anything but a strong and independent nation, then that much, at least, ought to clear up things a bit.

Still pisses me off every time we get stomped on by US policy. Seems that they forget every time.
D'ya know that they're still stopping people at the border trying to bring in a pot-roast? Still sanctions of lumber, wheat etc... we still get panned on here and elsewhere because we didn't invade Iraq?

I understand that a lot of people are reactionary and have the mindset of "What have you done for me lately", but this goes beyond being given the finger from accross the border...this is a financial kick in the groin. this comes from the Pentagon...who seem to have forgotten all about their allies.

Hells bells...makes me want to invade the USA and burn down the White House for the third time (j/k - twice was enough)

We speak the same language, you and I Gato_Solo, but our governments still don't seem to understand each other. Shame really.
It doesn't matter anymore. Martin's in office, and he's gonna be sniffing US butt double time to make up for Cretien's years on office.
The Other One said:
Invaded? :rolleyes:

Strong and independant? :rolleyes:

invadeFunction: verbDefinition: attackSynonyms: access, assail, assault, breach, burglarize, burst in, bust in, crash, descend upon, encroach, entrench, fall on, foray, go in, horn in, infect, infest, infringe, inroad, interfere, loot, make inroads, maraud, meddle, muscle in, occupy, overrun, overspread, overswarm, penetrate, permeate, pervade, pillage, plunder, raid, ravage, storm, swarm over, trespass, violateConcept: attacking


Yup...independant. Able to make our own deceisions without another ocuntry saying "You must do this" and us jumping

Yup...strong. As in a stronger economy and a better job-creation than the USA over the past, what...hmmm...8 months or so.

"True North, strong and free!"
How did the U.S. benefit from "plundering" Iraq---I still haven't seen any cheap gas yet. (Remember 'war for oil'?) Though you may not realize it yet the whole world benefits from our established presence in the middle east because terrorism is not going to go away, and the U.S. is the only country with the balls to meet it head on.

I guess Canadians do have that cushion of comfort in knowing that if terrorism comes knocking at the door the United States will be there to defend the 'true north' country---not because we share a common border, but because we have a President who is compassionate and who does the morally correct thing--and who is on his way to another 4 years in office.
The Other One said:
we have a President who is compassionate and who does the morally correct thing--and who is on his way to another 4 years in office.
And the best thing about that is that he can't come back for a third term... :lol: