Too cute for words
Missed the point dude. He cheated! Just because he didn't get caught doesn't make it right.Hoon said:There's no court...
It's our system and it's there for a reason.
Forget it.
Missed the point dude. He cheated! Just because he didn't get caught doesn't make it right.Hoon said:There's no court...
It's our system and it's there for a reason.
Gato_Solo said:Considering that we have been made the worlds police by just about every UN mandate since the UN was founded, how can you say that we, in the US are the problem? Every time something in the world goes badly, there's a clamor for US involvement. If we don't get involved, then we're insensitive to the worlds needs. If we do get involved, then we're bullies, or the worlds police. Before you start typing a tert response, just remember...we are what we are because the public made us so. It's too late to cry about it now.
chcr said:Missed the point dude. He cheated! Just because he didn't get caught doesn't make it right.
Forget it.
Leslies source said:as a percent of GDP
CIA Factbook said:2002 estimated GDP $10.4 trillion
chcr said:
Nov. 26
Deadline for certification set by Florida Supreme Court. Harris certifies the election results, giving Bush a 537-vote victory over Gore.
Nov. 27
Gore, arguing that the certified result wrongly failed to tally thousands of votes, sues to contest the election in Florida.
paul_valaru said:I heard they did the recount, and bush still won
chcr said:There were questions about who did what recount, etc. Don't get me wrong, Al Gore is a useless twit, but Bush cheated. I can only hope one day information will come to light, but I will always believe this. Too many coincidences for me.
Leslie said:Never fear, Gato dear, I see altruism in and feel pity for those endangering their lives and dying in a war waged based on falsehoods.
You are right in that your country is there in emergencies, just is every other industrial nation, and some who aren't so industrial.
I see what my press wants me to see, as well as what YOUR press wants me to see, as well as what mine and your history books say, as well as what the press around the world is saying.
The paper dolls statement is absolutely not uncalled's exactly what's happening time and time again, and even now.
hmmmm... source
Gato-Solo said:You only see what your press wants you to see, just like everybody else.
chcr said:but Bush cheated
Too many coincidences for me, Gonz. The whole Florida thing reminds me of the O.J. thing, the Michael Jackson thing...Gonz said:No. He didn't. He won just as every other politician looking at the presidency with a hard on, has won. By the electoral college. It's just & fair. Just wait until Nov '04 when he actually gets a majority vote (something Clinton never did)
I resent the implication that I am a left-winger. I have no use for those people either, but even complete morons get one right once in a while.Hoon said:The left wingers have made such a habit of whining "no fair" & "you cheated" when they don't get their way that people don't listen anymore.
It's called integrity and being a good loser.
Leslie said:...just give it up and say it like it're selfish, money hungry, corrupt, greedy and proud of it![]()
The Other One said:"ummmyeeaahh" could one expect any less vitriol from a Canadian?
A little bitter about the whole thing?
Countries that have been with the U.S. since day one should be able to benefit from reconstruction contracts. Remember: you're with us or against us. It still applies. Canada, France, Germany, and Russia were vocal detractors of the war on terrorism. It's laughable that the countries that gave us the finger then are the ones that are whining now. Aww, it's just too fucking bad.
MrBishop said:s'cuse me? Canada happens to be with the USA in the war on terrorism thing. The problem is that wee actually wanted proof BEFORE invading, and not invading and then looking for proof to substantiate the invasion.
It's not supposed to be "I came, I didn't see, I conquered, I still don't see"'s supposed to be "I saw (WMD), I came, I conquered"
If the USA had presented one scrap of evidence of WMD's to Prime Minister Chrétien, then Canada would've been in there...but Dubya didn't...because he didn't have any. If there had been any evidence, he'd have presented it to the UN months before the invasion, and everyone would've jumped on it...
Dubya had his multiple-opportunities and used NONE OF THEM!
OH BTW...the "Us" in this case is the USA and several other countries...I ask again. Why is it that ONLY the USA is making deceisions as to who gets the contracts? Hmmm?
MrBishop said:s'cuse me? Canada happens to be with the USA in the war on terrorism thing. The problem is that wee actually wanted proof BEFORE invading, and not invading and then looking for proof to substantiate the invasion.
It's not supposed to be "I came, I didn't see, I conquered, I still don't see"'s supposed to be "I saw (WMD), I came, I conquered"
If the USA had presented one scrap of evidence of WMD's to Prime Minister Chrétien, then Canada would've been in there...but Dubya didn't...because he didn't have any. If there had been any evidence, he'd have presented it to the UN months before the invasion, and everyone would've jumped on it...
Dubya had his multiple-opportunities and used NONE OF THEM!
OH BTW...the "Us" in this case is the USA and several other countries...I ask again. Why is it that ONLY the USA is making deceisions as to who gets the contracts? Hmmm?