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AlladinSane said:In other words, my country can invade another and then state that yours can't negotiate anymore with them bacause you didn't take part of it?
thats pretty much it yes
AlladinSane said:In other words, my country can invade another and then state that yours can't negotiate anymore with them bacause you didn't take part of it?
Squiggy said:Why bother?Nobody reads links....So what if all that money is going to a company already convicted of fraud. So what if Iraqi companies have to settle for subcontracts under Haliburton so your boss can assure his future fortunes...So what if YOUR entitlements and benefits were being slashed to the bone by the man who put YOU in harms way...It doesn't matter. Some of you want to kill the world and claim bragging rights for doing it. Have fun. Tis a fine liberation you're conducting....
AlladinSane said:In other words, my country can invade another and then state that yours can't negotiate anymore with them bacause you didn't take part of it?
But Saddam's stalling including limiting inspector access then kicking them out entirely..just to allow them back in when the heat was turned up needed to stop.
Do you want us to nip serious problems in the bud
chcr said:The unilateral action was then taken because the participating countries all believed (said they believed) that the WMDs existed (and implied that the UN inspectors were being duped).
Gonz said:As I've pointed out time after time, look to Iran if you want to know whether saddam had WMDs. He had them. He produced zero evidence to prove he destroyed them. Logic.
chcr said:and he did what the UN resolution told him to.
Australian News said:Broadcast: 7/2/2003
Iraq cooperates as Blair weathers storm
In Iraq, weapons inspectors have had their first opportunity to interview an Iraqi scientist alone. Simultaneously, western journalists in Iraq have been taken on tours of facilities Colin Powell earmarked as possible locations of weapons of mass destruction. Meanwhile, Tony Blair found himself under attack from members of the public who do not support his push for military action against Iraq.
Chicago Tribune said:Published November 28, 2002
NEW YORK -- After a four-year absence, international inspectors resumed their search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq on Wednesday, and a UN team leader in the field called the initial cooperation by Iraqi authorities "a good sign."
But even as the inspections began without incident, the Bush administration shifted its war planning into high gear. A senior administration official said the White House will dispatch a handful of senior envoys across the globe over the next few weeks to close deals with potential allies in a possible conflict with Iraq.
George W. Bush said:God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them.
Exactly my point.Saddam sees that hes pushed too far suddenly darts back behind the first line and start doing a mocking chant* 'Nya! Nya! ... I'm on base... You can't touch me! Nya! Nya!'
At the end, just before the invasion, he let the inspectors back in, and gave them the access they had tried to get earlier. You don't remember this?
MrBishop said:Okay, eh!
Perhaps it should be aimed at the UN first... the USA is effectivly the UN's teeth and claws. NExt time, make them beg for help...