Vacation 2006 plans

Gonz said:
Here it used to be the Thursday price increase. Some stations changed first thing, some waited until noon, a few even went until evening but it went up on Thursday. Now, it seems to be daily with Tuesday being the big jump day.

Must be nice to have SOME sort of pattern...
Gonz said:
They move your gas prices so much that the period of the day matters?

Oh, the fuckers do worse than that.

but what really pisses me off is the games. They'll run it up 10% in one shot, and then walk it back down a cent per day or so, until it's almost back to where it was, and then shove it up the 10% again. I know why. People are stupid. When it's .90 and they shove it up to $1, people get pissed. but then when they bring it back down to .95, everyone acts as though they just got a present. Bait and switch they used to call it.

If they want/need more profits, jsut set the fucking price to something fair to all, and fuck off already. Enough of the fucking games. I don't mind paying a fair profit. I'm not even all that against paying an exorbitant profit. But enough already. We already know the average Joe is an idiot. We don't need to see half mile lines at the cheap stations when half the stations run it up.

If should be noted that there aren't any independant stations in Quebec anymore. So there's no flexibility in the prices. They all come from the refinery.
Slim Pickens said:
The Federal Emergency Reserves are about 20 miles NW of my office...MILES of tank should be OK

Dave said:
how long are those reserves good for? about a month at the most?

That lil' stash is soley to fuel the war machine
in an emergency. We'd not see an ounce of it.

Cliton tried to tap it and got his nastyhand slapped!

Yep them car manufacturers better start offering
cars that get better mileage, cuz once it hits
four bucka-reenos a gallon there’s sure as
Hell gonna be a market!
It is a BIT cheaper here in Ontario, I remember when I was in alberta it was cheaper but not by as much as I thought it would be, ubtil they all explained you get 3 cents off at the pump, if it was listed at 87 you only payed 84. (and the more north you went the cheaper it got)
Winky’s solution to High gas prices

scrape off the outrageous taxes
and declare open season on oil drilling
and seize all the oil in Iran and
we’d be fit as a fiddle

bring back monster 400+ cubic inch V-8’s!!!
Winky said:
Winky’s solution to High gas prices

scrape off the outrageous taxes
and declare open season on oil drilling
and seize all the oil in Iran and
we’d be fit as a fiddle

bring back monster 400+ cubic inch V-8’s!!!

Not quite but close, ease the restrictions on drilling in Alaska then dedicate at least 80% of the oil pumped to American use ONLY and then shut off the spigate from Iran and Venezuela. If those two countries don't have the oil money then any threats will evaporate...
highwayman said:
Not quite but close, ease the restrictions on drilling in Alaska then dedicate at least 80% of the oil pumped to American use ONLY and then shut off the spigate from Iran and Venezuela. If those two countries don't have the oil money then any threats will evaporate...

That's how the price will really go down. Their greed will make it so expensive to drive that people stop driving so much, the demand drops and the price falls like a rock. I'm not sure what the critical figure will be but I'm betting it'll be less than five bucks a gallon.
Five bucks/gal will royally screw everyone over wether they drive or not. Those semis getting 5mpg bring the bread and butter to the store have to recoup their costs somehow. Comsumer goods will be shooting up at least 5% to cover the cost of doing business.
we missed the boat
the US, Europe and Japan should have made a major effort to develop alternative fuels/energy, then the US could have taken all that tabacco settlement money and used it to start revamping/replacing the current fuel infrastructure with the new technology(ies).
Necessity is the mother of invention. We have plenty of oil so alternatives are not necessary. We choose to drive Expeditions instead of Tercels.
So who is actually further away from me? Luis or Nixy? Postage to Luis was decidedly less but I thought he was further away.
inky and abby and that guy in alaska
oh and Gato is faraway and Aflie
and then there's the kiwi's
spitting distance
as the crow flies
drive miles
a hobo ridin’ the rails

or merely by cost of postage?
Well, cost of postage has Luis closer, if you can base it like that. I suppose I mean mileage flown because the letters went airmail I think.
Well I for one don't think I should have to pay
3 or four bucks a gallon
I don't fricken care how many GD countries
we have to invade and convert to democracy
or how many crack whores won't get welfare cheques

I want my Gawd durned




*stamps foot*