Vehicle Naming


New Member
How many of you name your vehicle?
And what are the names if you care to share?

I have two vehicles right now.

A white 1975 Ford Granada
It's name actually happens to be fitting and isn't fancy.
My brother and I named it Miracle
1. After the horse in "History of the World: Part I"
2. See above. Because we were going to use the car in a movie and have "Miracle" as the license plate as a nod to Mel Brooks.
3. Because it's a miracle it still runs. :D

The second vehicle is unnamed. It is a 1987 Dodge Grand Caravan
Originally I was going to name it G.A.M.E.R. which stands for


Because I am going to put a TV and PS2 in it.
But since I am going to try to paint my ogre on it, it might be named Ogrevan, or Burly, after the ogre himself.

Ogrevan will be on the van. I am taking the Caravan logo on the back and the Dodge logo, and going to mix the letters together to spell Ogrevan where the word Caravan sits.

Don't deride me for having too much time on my hands either. :p
It is the end of July and I have yet to even attempt to start on my van graphics project. :nerd:
did anyone else read "ogrevan" as "orgevan"? christ...what is the matter with me?
i don't own a vehicle.
If i had one, i'd call it Great-God-Of-Thunder-Who-Belches-Sulfur-And-Roars-Like-Earthquakes.
Or G.G.O.F.W.B.S.A.R.L.E for short.
i've never understood this whole naming of cars business. it only causes me undue stress when a friend refers to ralph and i have to figure out whether he means his car, truck, goldfish, sister, or his impending discharge. car has been christened maybelle the sable
The one with the broken [whatever isn't working at that time] or the other one with the broken [whatever isn't working at that time]. As of now, there's plenty of names for the 2 cars in our household, too many in fact.
Luis G said:
I call mine Vaca Loca

Crazy Cow? Why on Earth would somebody name their car 'Crazy Cow'? Aren't you afraid that the bigger, tougher, cars will pick on yours when you park it overnight? :D
Gato_Solo said:
Crazy Cow? Why on Earth would somebody name their car 'Crazy Cow'? Aren't you afraid that the bigger, tougher, cars will pick on yours when you park it overnight? :D

Actually, the name refers to the mad cow disease, thou I call it crazy cow every now and then.
The colour of the car is blue but there are some green spots (repairs but no paintjob on them), a friend of mine named it that way, I thought it was funny so I kept using the name :D :D
i havent named any of my cars. refered to them as "the beast" or "POS", but never gave them names.
I too had a long series of cars named POS.

Now I drive the Dodge, or the Jeep.

The kids have affectionatly named the Jeep the "Black Baron" to match my uncles 1942 Willeys Jeep the "Red Baron" also known as the "beep-beep-jeep"
My truck doesn't have a name, but sometimes I address it as "Voracious Swiller of Fuel". :D

My Irish Yankee neighbor calls his hotrod V8 - powered Ford Ranger "Pog Mo Thon". He has that lettered on the back window in a Celtic-looking font. It's Celtic for "Kiss My Ass", which is what he always says as he blasts past slower traffic at truly frightening speeds.
I think the naming of cars is kinda more common if its your first car or if you're a family with youngish kids...

We always named our cars after their colours (we were really original kids!) "Greenie" and "Blue Flash aka Bluey"

If I were to eventually drive and get a car I think I'd have to check out the car's personality.. they have one you know!!!!!!... before naming it!

Like... what does its horn sound like?... has it any minor faults?.... is it too small for blokes legs so it has problems with men? That kind of thing!
Mine's generally referred to as "the car," "my car," "my Neon," "the Neon," and so on like that. I have just the one car, so there's not much need to name it.
Most of my former cars came from my sister's castoffs.

They were all called "The Lyne-mosine" after my sister Lyne :)

The one that I have now is not a hand-me-down.

I havn't given it a permanent name, though I have called it "The Grape-mobile" after it's colour or "The flying purple people-eater".
well, how many of you use the theory that cars with sticks are boys? :D

my truck is named Oscar because a friend of mine left an Oscar-the-Grouch stuffed animal he won from the county fair in my car.

my pathfinder is named Palaa, it's a type of fern found only in hawaii.