Vigorous or decrepit

How would you rather your parents died?

  • Youthful and vigorous

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Wasted and used up,

    Votes: 4 66.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
We're all gonna check out one day, so... How would you rather your parents left this world? As healthy, young-ish and vigorous? Or as Depends-wearing old crones. One way they die before their time, one way, they suffer the wracks of age. One, you get less time with them (and by extension so do your kids), the other, the most.

I vote youthful and vigorous...mainly because I don't have the priviledge of them in my lives while they are capable, I don't want them expecting me to care for them when they are not.
having made a career of caring for the wasted and used up, i'll go for the other option.
I'll abstain from voting...

Both my parents are gone, my dad after an illness and mother after a series of strokes. Neither one could walk in the end and were both on O2 untill the final breath. The bad part had been they diead eight years apart and after dad died mom just wasted away for the time she had here.

I would have had them both go out together and not dying a day at a time.
My dad died when he was forty-one, my mom a couple of years ago from lung cancer. She was still fairly active but she had polio when she was young so she always had that to deal with.
Could give a shit about youthful, but vigorous is nice.

Note: Myself, I'd like to pass on from a massive coronary triggerd by the orgasm from having sex with a nineteen year old Victoria's Secret model when I'm eighty-seven or so, thank you very much.
Not the best choice of words, but I choose old.

My gramma may be currently in hospice, spending her last few months slowly dying, but I've had her for 30 years and my children has had her for 2-4 years. We've spent our time together with the greatest love for each other and she is my favorite person in the whole world.

I want my children to have that relationship with their grandparents too.
Dad died in his eighties...was vigorous until dementia set in. Still, better to die after doing all you can than the James Dean model.
So much for thoughts of chestnuts roasting on an open fire, eh Prof. What merry topics you bring up. :eek3:

I'll take all of the above. Live a long time and maintain their health, though with my Mom, that's asking a lot.
My mom died in 1987 at age 61 from ovarian cancer. She fought for 8 long years to beat it --- but her body betrayed her.
My dad died in 2000 at age 80 from massive heart failure. He'd been active up until 6 months before his death.

Most of my grandparents were well into their 80s before they passed. Most were healthy and vigorous until the very end.

My stepfather is 85 and is slowly declining from Parkinson's. He is currently in an assisted living facility. It breaks my heart to see him shuffle along. The Parkinson's is also affecting his ability to speak. I don't know if I'd like him to lay down one night and not get up, or to continue living because I love him so much. I think he'd rather the end come quickly.