Virtual beer anyone?

Thulsa Doom

New Member
3D ads to put virtual beers on bars

17:13 23 March 04 news service

Three-dimensional foaming glasses of beer could soon leap out of TV screens and on to bars, to try to tempt customers into buying drinks.

The system, from X3D Technologies in New York City, allows the virtual drinks to jump up to a metre in front of the screen. They can be viewed with the naked eye from anything up to a 120 degree angle.

"People stand in their tracks, they are stunned by what they see," claims Myles Owens, chief executive officer of X3D. The first 3D alcoholic drinks advertisements were shown at the International Nightclub, Bar Beverage and Food Convention in Las Vegas earlier in March.

Until recently 3D displays that can be viewed without special goggles have been used to enhance high-end laptop computers and television sets, mainly in Japan. But now X3D Technologies is marketing its product to advertisers in Europe and the US as a new way to tantalise customers.

Red and green

To create an artificial perception of depth using a two-dimensional screen each eye must see a slightly different image. The brain processes the discrepancies between the images and fuses them to provide the 3D view.

Early 3D technologies projected two images in quick succession. One was blocked by a red filter, worn over one eye, another was blocked by a green filter, worn on the other eye. But the observer had to be wearing the red-green goggles.

More recently display makers have figured out ways to filter the light before it leaves the display. X3D takes an off-the-shelf plasma screen, removes the front layer of glass and inserts a grid of red and green filters separated by opaque lines on top of the screen's pixels.

The filters are spaced so that light rays leaving a certain pixel pass through a green filter to get to one eye, but a red filter to get to the other eye. The spacing is based on a measurement of the average distance between a pair of eyes. Software then splits the video to be projected into two slightly different images, one blocked by the red filter, one by the green.

Shampoo bottles

Electronics companies including Sharp in Japan have played similar tricks with liquid crystal displays to create 3D TV sets, but X3D is the first to market the product to advertisers.

Its 53-inch plasma-screens are already being used to make shampoo bottles loom in front of customers in shops in France, Italy and Spain.

Owens says even greater potential lies in making the technology cheaper so that most people have it in their homes: "We continue to strive for broadcasting 3D content. That is the future of advertising," he says.

Freakin marketing scum… so how long until they develop the ability to attach sub-retinal cookies to every consumer and track their spending habits and then have cell nests placed around cities and malls that read the cookies and project 3D images of products we should be buying that orbit around our heads like huge virtual mosquitoes everywhere we go?
Squiggy said:
* Can't wait till the porn industry gets ahold of it...:fap:

Another of your double entendre(too lazy to use the Character map on the "e") there Squigg,should we explain it to Nixy now or wait . { :winkkiss: for Nixy)
A.B.Normal said:
Another of your double entendre(too lazy to use the Character map on the "e") there Squigg,should we explain it to Nixy now or wait . { :winkkiss: for Nixy)

*cries in the corner*
Have suddenly started to recieve adverts to my phone now, resulting in me missing vital text messages, Grrr. Is nothing sacred anymore?! :alienhuh:
Anyone putting a virtual beer in front of me had better be ready to be virtually beaten within an inch of their virtually worthless lives.
*Imagines Prof grabbing at a virtual bottle to break over a virtual bartender....

*Likes Squiggs way of thinking.....
Professur said:
Anyone putting a virtual beer in front of me had better be ready to be virtually beaten within an inch of their virtually worthless lives.


Although if they ever make a portable would be fun tormenting the drunks in the bus station with it :devious:
Professur said:
Anyone putting a virtual beer in front of me had better be ready to be virtually beaten within an inch of their virtually worthless lives.
amen to that, my brother...incidentally...tried a new canadian brew...sleeman...came in a variety 12 pack...had cream ale, honey brown...and something else...not it a popular canadian thing?
Professur said:
Very. Only thing I don't like is the clear bottles. Beer doesn't keep well in clear bottles.
hell...we bought the thing last night and i'd suppose there are only half thinks how long it keeps will not be an issue. i really like the cream ale.
Spunky said:
Have suddenly started to recieve adverts to my phone now, resulting in me missing vital text messages, Grrr. Is nothing sacred anymore?! :alienhuh:
California outlawed those, since text messages cost money. They outlawed spam faxes for the same reason.
I'm sticking to my favorite - Negra Modelo. It's the nectar of the gods. :cool:

Psst, A.B.: Go to your Options screen and try a different Message Editor Interface (at the very bottom of the screen) - it says that some of them do not work with all browsers . . . ;)