Virtual gift exchange!

kat2220 said:
Aw comeon! You kinda know me and me a GOOG Kat! PURRRRRRR
Forget the darn Chippendales...what about a Fireman calendar?
tonksy said:
can those be for me? I want small little boobies with cute little nipples! I'm willing to trade.

I'll trade with ya. Mine are a little hairy, but you know what Neet is for.

BTW, I saved the pic, and I'm suceptable to bribery.
Professur said:
I'll trade with ya. Mine are a little hairy, but you know what Neet is for.

BTW, I saved the pic, and I'm suceptable to bribery.

Keep it. The nips were on the smallish side, although the surrounding flesh was quite tempting...
Professur said:
I'll trade with ya. Mine are a little hairy, but you know what Neet is for.

BTW, I saved the pic, and I'm suceptable to bribery.
....when I said small I didn't mean an A- cup.