IA, MND-B Soldiers destroy 19 roadside bombs, find 3 caches, detain 29 suspected terrorists
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqi Army and Multi-National Division -- Baghdad Soldiers found and destroyed 11 roadside bombs and three weapons caches in the last 24 hours as well as conducted two major offensive operations resulting in the detention of 29 suspected terrorists.
Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 6th Iraqi Army Division and 2nd Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, worked together in order to disrupt anti-Iraqi force activity northwest of Baghdad in a combined cordon and search operation that began Feb. 15 at approximately 11:30 p.m. and ended Feb. 17.
The 6th IA and 2-22 Inf. Regt. cordon and search operation netted 11 suspected terrorists and three weapons caches.
The first cache consisted of 19 x RPGs, 18 x RPG 7M rounds, one Russian-made light anti-tank weapon, one 120 mm mortar tube, three 82 mm mortar tubes, two RPK light machine guns, one FNL assault rifle, one SA-7 surface-to-air missile (no launcher), 22 x 120mm, 25 x 129 mm, five 107 mm, two 125 mm artillery rounds and eight 82 mm, eight 57 mm, seven 80 mm, two 130 mm mortar rounds, 5,000 rounds of 7.62 mm, 1,500 rounds of 12.5 mm, powder charges and Motorola radios.
At the site of the cache, the Iraqi and MND-B Soldiers found a terrain model, two fighting positions, and two underground tunnels.
The second weapons cache consisted of one SKS carbine rifle, 400 armor piercing rounds, five RPG rounds, two 30 mm, one 60 mm, one 120 mm, and five 20 mm rounds, an explosive of unknown composition, and 17 155 mm fuses.
The third cache consisted of two 130 mm mortars, six 60 mm mortars, two anti-aircraft guns, two .50 cal machineguns, 17 rockets, one 130 mm mortar round, 18 82 mm mortar rounds, 15 60 mm mortar rounds, six 30 mm rounds, four PG7 anti-tank rounds, 14 RPG rounds, 30 hand grenades, 87 heavy machinegun rounds, 106 anti-aircraft rounds, one crate of .50 cal ammunition, 12 RPG fuses, six RPG boosters, and one bag of gunpowder.
“We have the enemy on the run,” said Lt. Col. Kevin Brown, commander, 2-22 Inf. Regt. “The success we had in the inner city areas of Abu Ghraib the first 6 months in country caused the enemy to find sanctuary out here in the less populated urban areas."
“Now, with the Muthana Brigade of the Iraqi Army keeping the pressure on (the terrorists) in Abu Ghraib, and the establishment of Firebase Courage, we’ve been able to stretch our operations further, and continue to reduce AIF sanctuary and freedom of movement. Combined with the success achieved by Iraqi Special Forces in locating associated targets either in concert with or as a result of our operations – it’s a complete team effort. We are winning.”
Coalition Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams destroyed the four caches.
Additionally, Iraqi Special Troops Company and Macedonian Rangers executed Operation Level Sand this morning at 1 a.m. north of Baghdad in order to neutralize terrorist activity and destroy weapons caches in the area.
The operation netted 18 suspected terrorists and resulted in the confiscation of ten AK-47s and three pistols.