WalMart announces end to discrimination


Southern Discomfort
Large breasted women...rejoice!

LONDON (Reuters) - Forty years after feminists threatened to burn their bras, British women have won another battle in the fight for equality.

Asda, Britain's second-biggest food retailer and owned by U.S. giant Wal-Mart, says it will no longer charge women more for bigger bras in its George fashion range.

"We're putting an end once and for all to one of the last prejudices -- that of the bigger-busted woman," said brand director Fiona Lambert in a statement.
"From now on, all bras at George will be exactly the same price from A cup through to F cup."

Everyday low prices. Especially after we get "busted". Sorry, couldn't resist...
i feel sorry for anyone buying bras at walmart or an affiliate. good bras, i'm told, are worth every penny.

(i realize of course that this is not directly addressing your topic. but since you're not as uptight as _________, i figure you won't mind so much.)
i feel sorry for anyone buying bras at walmart or an affiliate. good bras, i'm told, are worth every penny.

(i realize of course that this is not directly addressing your topic. but since you're not as uptight as _________, i figure you won't mind so much.)

My lovely wife (who should certainly be an expert on the subject from where I'm sitting :brow: ) says that knowing how to pick the correct size is as important as buying a good quality unit. BTW, she does, in fact, buy them at Wally-World among other shopping choices. She has one or two specific brands she prefers and evidently they are occasionally hard to find in the correct size. I wouldn't know. :D

Oh, and they are more expensive.
My lovely wife (who should certainly be an expert on the subject from where I'm sitting :brow: ) says that knowing how to pick the correct size is as important as buying a good quality unit. BTW, she does, in fact, buy them at Wally-World among other shopping choices. She has one or two specific brands she prefers and evidently they are occasionally hard to find in the correct size. I wouldn't know. :D

Oh, and they are more expensive.

yarp i got busted for putting a hand-wash only tit_sling in the machine last weekend. and yep similar situation here with only a couple brands that'll do.
I bet they'll just raise the prices of the smaller sizes and be done with it. :shrug:

What's next, extra sizes should cost the same as kids clothes?
Broadening the discussion a bit...

I've been larger than I am now. I need to shed around 10-15, but I been mucho grande. Clothes are more expensive. Makes takes more fabric to make 'em. 100 yards of denim makes X number of jeans for a beanpole, and X minus Y number of jeans for a larger person. No problem there.

But c' much fabric is in a bra? Judging by the price of wimmenz drawers, the less fabric there is the more you pay for 'em anyways. 6 pairs of granny drawers, tidy whitey, for $5. 1 thong with enough fabric to floss with is $10.

Not that I'm complaining mind you...I like me some butt floss on a hottie as much as the next red blooded feller what don't opt to be queer...
Clothes cost the same here too.

But Titslings ARE different, if your breast are small and humble (not to be mistaken with mountains) they are fimple well molded fabric.

while if you hit the larger sizes there is metal, and plastic and other structural supports to consider.
Dara won't wear underwires unless they're necessary for the specific outfit. She says it's tantamount to being tortured.

Then she needs to go see a professional for a fitting. I'll lay high odds that she's wearing the wrong size. No shame in it, 90% of wimmen do.
I'm not, but I could be --- went to one of the luncheons here -- mostly it was the "old money" types that considered themselves better than most.

I wore a bra every day to work. Now that I'm retired, I only wear what I want to when I'm at home --- that's MY space. In public, I try to conform(don't always make it, though)

And I do wear purple and red together! LOL
Some around here are old money, but it's more a way of.....
"I've paid my dues, and I'm more about comfort, and not worrying about what others think"
kind of attitude.

I guess it varies by region some, but here they are very nice people,
like the Shriners...
Do a lot of good in this area.
Does this mean fat folks don't hafta buy two seeats on airliners?

If airlines were smart, they'd charge by the pound per class, instead of a set rate for everybody. That includes luggage. After costs more fuel to lift a 500 pound person than it does to lift a 200 pound person...
If airlines were smart, they'd charge by the pound per class, instead of a set rate for everybody. That includes luggage. After costs more fuel to lift a 500 pound person than it does to lift a 200 pound person...

but how do they compensate me when i have a miserable flight because somebody is spilling over from the next seat?