War on Terror

flavio said:
If we had Mission Accomplished in 2003 have more soldiers died since we accomplished that mission than before.
You said it too. GW never did.

flavio said:
Apparently the inspections were working since he didn't have any.
He provided no proof of destroying them. That was the agreement. Shall I pull out all the quotes from the leftists who agreed he had them? There are plenty of them.

Hey we've increased the rape over there
Have we? Source?

Who's in charge of the Coalition Rape Rooms? I'd like to file a formal letter of complaint.

flavio said:
...and are doing are own torture now...
You have no clue as to what you're talking about. You are insulting those who have been tortured & the families of those who were killed while being tortured. Whether in Iraq or anywhere else.

flamio said:
You are obviously on the wrong side of this issue
This gimmick is getting very tiresome & lessens your credibility each time it's used.
Gonz said:
You said it too. GW never did.
It was brought up by Winky, that's why I'm discussing it. The Mission Accomplished banner was supplied by the White House though....and you know what the intent was.

He provided no proof of destroying them. That was the agreement. Shall I pull out all the quotes from the leftists who agreed he had them? There are plenty of them.
I don't care who you quote. A lot of people were fooled into thinking he had them when BushCo was pointing them out on the satellite images. It was obvious to many that the inspections were working. Ooops though, our bad.

Have we? Source?

Who's in charge of the Coalition Rape Rooms? I'd like to file a formal letter of complaint.
You haven't heard that Iraqi women are often afraid to leave their houses for fear of rape now because of the lawlessness? You haven't been paying attention then. There may not be Coalition sanctioned rape rooms but incidences of rape are much higher.

You have no clue as to what you're talking about. You are insulting those who have been tortured & the families of those who were killed while being tortured. Whether in Iraq or anywhere else.
How so? I think you're insulting them by minimalizing it.

This gimmick is getting very tiresome & lessens your credibility each time it's used.
Your gimmick of just declaring yourself right is far more tiresome.
You are Absolutely RIGHT!!!
To argue with a crazy person is well Crazy!!!

You are clearly on the side of Saddam and the terrorists’
and they are clearly right in this matter, I cede the whole issue to the Left!

This is the essence of cognitive dissonance -- the condition of holding two differing beliefs that are so incompatible and contradictory that the only way to internally reconcile them is to, well, go insane.
Winky said:
You are Absolutely RIGHT!!!
To argue with a crazy person is well Crazy!!!

You are clearly on the side of Saddam and the terrorists’
and they are clearly right in this matter, I cede the whole issue to the Left!
So your saying I just shouldn't debate with you because you're crazy? That must be why you think I'm on the side of the terrorists while in fact you're the one supporting increased terrorist activity.
Yep I'm on the side of the Terrorists

and you are against George Bush and

Hmm this Kool-aid is so yummy!

Oh look at all the purdy colours….
flavio said:
But I'm sure you'll continue to ignore the fact that Bush used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq...

I have honestly forgotten: WHY did GWB want to invade Iraq?

And why did Clintoon want to invade Iraq?

All excuses aside.
Gonz said:
There you go. Admission of not caring about the truth. Good bye.
I care about the truth far more than you. Your quotes just wouldn't prove anything at all. That's why I don't care.
A terrorist by any other name would still be a threat...

"Any person, organization or government that supports, protects or harbors terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes."

"Any outlaw regime that has ties to terrorist groups or seeks to possess weapons of mass destruction is a grave danger to the civilized world and will be confronted."

(Pres. Bush speaking on board aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003)


Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector who headed the UN nuclear watchdog, said: "I think some of the Iranians want to go to nuclear weapons." He pointed to a 40-megawatt heavy-water plant at Arak, which could produce enough plutonium for a nuclear bomb, as a sign that Iran may not have purely peaceful intentions.
Girl’s tip foils IED

BAGHDAD, Iraq – A young girl phoned in a tip of a possible roadside bomb to Coalition Forces Jan. 14, potentially saving innocent lives.

The girl reported seeing a white bag in a hole on a road in southeast Baghdad. When Coalition Forces investigated, they found a man hiding in the grass by the road, as well as four masked men in a car. A man carrying an AK-47 and talking on a cell phone was observed walking over to two suspected trigger men who were in the prone position. Attack aviation engaged the terrorists preventing them from carrying out the attack.

Explosive ordnance disposal was called to disable the roadside bomb.

On Jan. 13, Coalition Forces discovered two large weapons caches. The first cache consisted of six 107mm rockets, 10 120mm rockets, one 155mm projectile, five 76mm rockets, one six-foot rocket (purpose unknown), two blasting caps, one roll of detonation cord, one 125mm heat round, 44 122mm projectiles, four 102mm rounds, 12 155mm rounds, two 60mm rounds, one 60mm tube, one G3 rifle, one grease gun, 1 RPK and six 50-pound bags of unknown substance believed to be bomb-making material.

The second cache consisted of two recoilless rifles, one 300-lb. bomb casing, two 500-lb. bomb casings, one artillery casing, one TOW casing, three 10mm mortar casings, 15 rocket casings, 10 60mm casings, 25 multi-sized rocket casings, 30 82mm mortar round casings, 60 60mm mortar casings, one tip of a 135mm casing packed with an unknown substance without primer, and numerous mortar fins, rifle springs and empty magazines.

I got this in e-mail from Public Affairs on wire releases from the AOR
(Multi-National Forces-Iraq CPIC). I couldn't find it on google, though...imagine that. :devious:
Approximately 500 security detainees released from Abu Ghraib

ABU GHRAIB, Iraq – Approximately 500 security detainees were released from Abu Ghraib Theater Internment Facility Jan. 15.

This release and others like it highlight the progress toward democratic governance and the rule of law, demonstrating the involvement of Iraq’s government in the effort to provide both security and justice for all Iraqis.

Those chosen for release are not guilty of serious, violent crimes – such as bombing, torture, kidnapping, or murder – and all have admitted their crimes, renounced violence, and pledged to be good citizens of a democratic Iraq. Their cases were carefully reviewed on an individual basis by a combined board of Iraqi and Coalition officials and decided on in light of Iraq's ongoing efforts to create peace and stability and build a brighter future for its citizens.

Same e-mail