I dunno Squiggy..I can't apeak for anyone else...but as for me, I'll argue any situation just for giggles.
If someone subscribes to UN legitimacy then I'll argue within that framework....and have done so here.
If you don't subscribe to that I'm happy to argue there as well..and have done so here...
Argument for the sake of argument airs the issues, and it's worthwhile much of the time...
But this thread is , perhaps, better because it generalizes, and asks about the personal standpoint.
I think sometimes people get too focused on the specific case arguments, as with ,say, the UN example....and then pigeon hole posters into a certain category that they may not fall in personally.
I know that YOU aren't a fan of SA....I'm not either. Probably many people here, if you asked then straight out from the beginning, would fall into that camp...but that doesn't make a case argument impossible, even if it's incongruent with an overall view...
you're sharp..you understand all this....
It may surprise you that I hold some pretty radical views on the region...ones which would probably be quite offensive to many many people here because they include as a component unabashed questions concerning Islam. of course there's more to it than that...but in this day and age as soon as one questions a faith they are branded modern day NAZI's and such...
that's all so convenient and politically correct...and such attitudes run rampant on MB's....
I suspect it's not so much an issue here, but I am new, you know......so you'll excuse me while I feel it out.
But as to adopting your views....as far as this writer goes, I simply agree with you on SA....
But there we may vastly diverge...personally my views take the actions an awful lot further....