

Well-Known Member
The oldest ironies are still the most satisfying: man, when preparing for bloody war will orate loudly and most eloquently in the name of peace. This dichotemy is not an invention of the twentieth century, yet it is in this century that the most striking examples of the phenomena have appeared. Never before has man pursued global harmony more vocally while amassing stockpiles of weapons so devestating in their effect. WWII - we were told - was the War to End Wars. The development of the Atomic and Nuclear bombs was the Weapon to End Wars...and yet, wars continue. Currently, no nation on this planet is not involved in some form of armed struggle, if not against its neighbours, then against internal forces. Furthermore, as ever-escalating amounts of money are poured into the pursuit of the specific weapon or conflict that will bring everlasting peace, the drain on our economies creates a rundown urban landscape where crime flourishes and people are concerned less with national security than with the simple personal security needed to stop at the corner store late at night for a quart of milk without being mugged. The places we struggled so viciously to keep safe are becomming increasingly dangerous. The wars to end wars, the weapons to end war - these things have failed us. - Alan Moore 1987

Written 17 years ago and still relevant. If we ignore our own security personal while seeking to bring war to others, shall we fail?
Charity begins at home...shouldn't peace begin there too?

Albert Einstein:
One cannot simultaneously prepare for war and peace at the same time.

and I agree with you that peace should begin at home
Hmm.....I wonder if that's the same Alan Moore who's comic books I used to read...

Anyhoo....An end to war? wotever for?

as a race we like to fuck over our fellow humans....I don't mean just with guns either, take a look outside yer street and see how many of yer neighbours are playing "keeping up with the jone's ........ take that on a global scale and it's just "keeping up with the hussein's at number 4 bagdad" ;)

besides, there are millions upon millions of soldiers out there, all willing to blow each others brains out...might as well give 'em summit to do....god knows society already has enough violent buggers in it already :D Don't see it so much as a war....but Darwanism in practice ;)
Okay...It's time for warfare 101.

1. In the US, and most European countries, who is ultimitely in control of the armed forces?
2. Who is more likely to have an aversion to war...the soldier, or the civilian?
3. If war actually does take place, who is more likely to want to be done with it as quickly and efficiently as possible, the soldier, or the civilian?

Prior service, and current service members are not allowed to answer. ;)
MrBishop said:
Written 17 years ago and still relevant. If we ignore our own security personal while seeking to bring war to others, shall we fail?
Charity begins at home...shouldn't peace begin there too?


Peace is aquired by the use of force. Maintaining peace is being fully prepared for war.
It's nothing but a heartbreaker
Friend only to the undertaker
Peace love and understanding
There must be some place for these things today
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord there's gotta be a better way
That's better than
The US (???)
It would be those who will be the first to die on the front lines of war.
It would be those who are the front lines of war.

Summary: the soldiers of war have the most concerns in war.
ResearchMonkey said:
The US (???)

The head of government with approval from the legislature...

ResearchMonkey said:
It would be those who will be the first to die on the front lines of war.


ResearchMonkey said:
It would be those who are the front lines of war.

Correct again

ResearchMonkey said:
Summary: the soldiers of war have the most concerns in war.

True...so why do most people have this bad view of soldiers actually wanting to fight, and possibly die, for their country? We all enlist knowing that it's a possibility, but we rely on our publically elected, or appointed, officials to keep us out of wars. Not really a catch-22, but a reliable, and factual statement. I'm sure that there are a few in the armed forces that want war, but they are the exceptions, and not the rule. Nobody wants an army filled with would-be murderers because such an army will not respond positively to civilian command...
It does? So when a murderer or a rapist is in your neighborhood you ignore the problem?
if they arent hurting anyone at the moment yes. If not then Id rather get the authorities but if I am protecting my neighbours that is different. but yes violence breeds violence
freako104 said:
I disagree. violence breeds more violence
Bah, show me.

Introduce a second male into the herd, violence begins, one Bull wins one leaves. The male does not then go beating on the cows, in fact he usually loves on them instead.
Read this, and remember it well...

When the Country has been in need,
It has always been the soldier.

It is the soldier, not the newspaper,
who has given us the freedom of speech.

It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demostrate.

It is the soldier, who salutes the flag,
and serves under the flag.

It is the soldier, whose coffin is draped with the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.

And it is the soldier who is called upon
To defend our way of life.

Author unknown
freako104 said:
if they arent hurting anyone at the moment yes.

Do you realize what an utterly ludicrous statement that is? You'd allow a murderer to walk free because he's not killing anyone atthe moment? You'd allow your sister to remain threatened by a fugitive because he's not currently banging her with mailice? Eric please, you can't be that foolish.