Was Shiavo case a partisan issue?

Where did you stand on Siavo and where do you fall on the political spectrum.

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Just out of curiousity was this case a partisan issue? I personally don't think so as I was in favor of letting her live where you all know politically I lean left. I was not particularly strong in this belief though and I tend to believe most things work out for the best in the end for whatever reason. It's just that I'd have let her live had the decision been mine. Still. I'd like to know if your opinion was in line with you political leanings? I tend to believe that more people on the right would have been in lockstep with party policy than those on the left. People on the right have more of a tendency to stick together (a good trait that strengthens the right), and they have less of a tendency to think outside party lines.

BTW I know many left leaners are prone twords not wanting to be "labled" (another trait that only strengthens the right). But damn it you know if you lean left so just fess up!
Well theyve already done a number of national polls showing that the majority of people (like 65% to 25%) would have pulled the feeding tube. And a huge majority was against the medlings of the congress and the president. The latter was true even for self described conservatives. There was this myth that it was yet another example of the red-blue 50-50 split when it isnt. the media likes playing up a nation at each others throats. its good for ratings.
A huge majority was ill-informed on the specifics. Was it political? For some.
Gonz said:
A huge majority was ill-informed on the specifics. Was it political? For some.

Ill-informed because they fail to agree with your point of view?

Not surprised, but curious.
Read a major newspaper. Then read an article from a less "pro-death" source. There is a lot of information that never made it to the major press releases. Most stories painted the parents as interfering & the husband as a caring man...the same husband who has a common law wife at home, along with 2 children. Things like it took 7 years to realize she wanted to die...he didn't know that was her wish before that. Where were the quotes of Michael saying "When is that bitch going to die" in the mainstream media? "Has she died yet?" probably never made the NY Times.
Gonz said:
Read a major newspaper. Then read an article from a less "pro-death" source. There is a lot of information that never made it to the major press releases. Most stories painted the parents as interfering & the husband as a caring man...the same husband who has a common law wife at home, along with 2 children. Things like it took 7 years to realize she wanted to die...he didn't know that was her wish before that. Where were the quotes of Michael saying "When is that bitch going to die" in the mainstream media? "Has she died yet?" probably never made the NY Times.

And of course those sources you do approve of must be right because goodness knows that they would never publish anything at all untrue or out of context, or have an agenda of their own, right? :lol2:
This matter should never have seen a court room. It is a private family matter and should, God forbid, I ever end up in similar circumstances I would hope that the matter of my fate would remain a private one.
SouthernN'Proud said:
This matter should never have seen a court room. It is a private family matter and should, God forbid, I ever end up in similar circumstances I would hope that the matter of my fate would remain a private one.

SouthernN'Proud said:
This matter should never have seen a court room. It is a private family matter and should, God forbid, I ever end up in similar circumstances I would hope that the matter of my fate would remain a private one.
If Michael hadn't changed his position, it probably wouldn't have been it court.
But then again you do have professional protesters. Sanctomonius assholes using others grief to further their agenda. I don't think they should have pulled her feeding tube. It isn't like she needs help breathing.
I still think they should see if she can swallow food/water.
I believe she probably can. I farther believe she'd be able to communicate
"better" with some of the right therapy.
On a related note...
I saw a guy at Lowes Saturday pushing a boy around in a wheelchair
that looked like he was in worse shape that Terri. :confused:
I don't think that family was even considering killing him.
chcr said:
And of course those sources you do approve of must be right because goodness knows that they would never publish anything at all untrue or out of context, or have an agenda of their own, right? :lol2:

The agenda is to save an innocent life. If the information is incorrect, point it out. Nobody has said these sources are lying. They are being ignored. Everybody knows that information like this might damange the kill Schaivo case.
I thought custody should have been transfered from the husband to the parents. Apparently there isn't a mechanism in Florida or federal law to do this, but I would have thought the family could have made a case under some sort of fraud argument, since the husband has 2 kids with a live-in girlfriend and has made the statements Gonz mentioned.
rrfield said:
I thought custody should have been transfered from the husband to the parents. Apparently there isn't a mechanism in Florida or federal law to do this, but I would have thought the family could have made a case under some sort of fraud argument, since the husband has 2 kids with a live-in girlfriend and has made the statements Gonz mentioned.

Two words.


No obvious insurance. He won $1.6M from a lawsuit. Some say it's gone or rapidly going. There'll be a book. The parents offered him an unobstructed walk thru the door, with all the cash, for a divorce & he declined. The parents would have (and still would) provided for her care, without his assistance. He wants her dead. He's getting his wish.

I wonder, the latest claim i her frontal lobe has liquified. How do they know that since she's never had an MRI or PET scan?
He tried. Failed. Is now getting it done. Although she had less jello then.