We have forgotten

Not bad BoP, not bad. The only missing piece is a well placed shot into the brain of the terrorist of unknown nationality.

If you folks have paid attention over teh course of the last year you'd know that the insurgency is small part Ba'thists & large part out of towners overstaying their welcome. Yes, Ba'thist party members are Iraqi but that would be like saying Klansmen are American. While technically correct nobody really wants anything toi do with them.
“Your failure to heed our demands means that you and your people… will experience things that will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11, Afghanistan and Iraq, and Virginia Tech,” he said in the video posted last Tuesday.

Have we Forgotten?
I think not. Some of us...Never.

I do wonder why it Seems the gov., and media seem to be Not questioning more,
Now, about many negative things that are happening.
and or seem to be downplaying.