Weapons of Mass Destruction

We do play both sides sometimes. It's whatever is best for us (economics & national security). If playing both sides keep the balance (Iraq vs Iran) then so be it.
my only concern on that is that it makes us seem like we dont have integrity. isnt it why some countries dont trust us
All countries trust us. No matter what the propaganda says, they know we'll do what we say. It's what we don't say that scares 'em.
"We are going to find the people responsible for bringing these buildings down, and bring them to justice..." ~ G. W. Bush at ground zero

I didn't hear the part about "unless they're Saudis..." :confuse3:
Hush up you, we're busy planning the new world order

Miami Herald said:
Fidel Castro accused U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday of plotting with Miami exiles to kill him as part of his administration's hardening policies against the communist-run island.
Didya know that in french a sledge hammer is called a Mass? Maybe that's why the french didn't wanna go to war. I can see it now.

<french accent>the americans want to go to war for what??? Because Saddam has form sledge hammers?
here is something my history teacher from last semester(he didnt cover this I get the info back in 10th grade) sent to me when I asked him

Depends on what you call the first steps. We were both so suspicious tat we saw what could have been non-threatening moves as preparations for the other. For instance, the Russians believed the atomic bombs in Japan were really aimed at them---to tell them we were the top dog and they had to do what we said. We saw Russian moves in eastern Europe late in the war and just after as expansions of Soviet power. They were probably thinking of them as self-protective.
In South America are actions often seem warped, but I don't think we were ever in without some type of invite---though we may have stayed after our "allies" wanted us to go.