Autumn, Summer... (but never Winter? Why?)
Personally, naming your kids something stupid is a sign of a sick mentality, but what really binds my shorts is the ignoramuses that insist on misspelling a name to make it 'unique'. Yeah, good play, you fucking turd. Not only will their airline and hotel reservations always be under the wrong name, they're going to have to spell it each and every time they ever have to undergo a computer check. Way to go.
"Personally hate my name... Claire... it can't be shortened for a term of affection!!! I think that's important".-
Don't hate your name, "Clear Bell"
It's a two parter. My wife chose "Luna" - which is a fairly well known name in Spain, where she's from. "Rose" came from my maternal grandmother - a lovely woman with a great heart.Luna Rose is a beautiful name. Knew a senorita once named "Perla Luna"- Pearl Moon. Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.
Personally, naming your kids something stupid is a sign of a sick mentality, but what really binds my shorts is the ignoramuses that insist on misspelling a name to make it 'unique'. Yeah, good play, you fucking turd. Not only will their airline and hotel reservations always be under the wrong name, they're going to have to spell it each and every time they ever have to undergo a computer check. Way to go.
That dog won't hunt. Even the simplest names have to be spelled out. Thanks to the Jonathans of the world, we "Johns" have to tell hotel clerks "it's with the H"; and my sister has had the silent "E" tacked onto her name and fucked up officious paperwork more times than she can count.
I have a neighbor named "Sunshine." Pathetic name for a grown woman IMO.
The one person I've known in my life who was most justified in hating his parents though, is Bob Duck. He goes by his middle name because those reprehensible folks named him "Donald." I also know a guy named Russ Kuhl who's wife would not let him name his first son Joe, so it seems that sometimes sanity does prevail.
Have a friend from child hood named "Dick." Of course he was "Don't be a..." throughout jr. high and high school. It doesn't have to be a weird name, but it helps. If I'd ever had one of my own I would've named him "Stan."
BTW, Tonks? I love the names you chose to name your kids.