Welcome a13antichrist!

Welcome, now get us our pizza and beer :D

Originally posted by Mephisto
Forgot to ask: Since Xibase is hosting this forum; will there be difference between Xibase forums and this forum? Will there be a need for difference?
What exactly do you mean by that? The databases of the xibase forum and this forum are separate, if that's what you mean, so anyone who registers here would have to register over there if they aren't already, and vice versa.
Gonzo, that wonderful & ever exuberant young( :lol: ) stud who likes to go off on tangents ocassionally and spends way too much time at Xibase and Gonz, that thoughtful & awe-inspiring hunk o' man who has spent way too much time here at the new & improved, but wait there's more, OT Central are one & the same.

Hey A13 long time no see-wait, I talked to you the other day, never mind....:waves: