Welcome back, Altron

Wait a minute. Altron, you go right ahead and push the limits. Go on. You're not afraid of Sammy, are ya? Go on. Post a link. C'mon, you know ya want to.
LoL, well I guess that's what I get for being busy for a week :alienhuh:

Teehee, but I think I'm all caught up on the happenings :headbng2:
i think we need an otc minutes page, like a highlight reel of interesting things that happened for those of us that randomly miss days worth of posts:)
tommyj27 said:
i think we need an otc minutes page, like a highlight reel of interesting things that happened for those of us that randomly miss days worth of posts
:headbng2: I am SO for that idea!! It would really benifit everyone, even those that are here all the time, they might miss a thread, and BOOM, no get what's going on ;)

*raises hand*

I second the idea of a highlights reel / minutes page. :D
back reading takes too much time though, the first time altron got banned i had to read about 8 pages of posts just to figure out wtf was going on.