
New Member
:kiss: :hug: I missed you so much. :)

Gato's post from the shoutbox:

I left Prince Sultan Air Base in Saudi Arabia (now closed) on 3 SEP 03 at o-dark 30, and flew to Crete. An hour and a half later, I was flying (on the same plane) on my way to Germany. Once in Germany, I bought a few tasty beverages, whiled away another couple hours, and I was back in the air. Landed an eternity later in Iceland. 4 hours on the ground, and back on the same plane for another leg. This time to Gander in Nova Scotia. A couple of beverages later, I was back on the plane (by this point, it was a trip from hell), for the final leg to Baltimore/Washington International. By the time I cleared customs (with a few tasty beverages intact), it was too late to catch a flight home, so I slept at Embassy Suites for about 4 hours. Unfortunately, I was only supposed to sleep for about 3 and one half hours. Niether phone calls, nor that insipid alarm clock could wake me. My team chief, on the other hand, gained access to my room, and I was rudely awakened. Then it was back to the airport, and onto a flight from BWI to Charlotte, and then home. It's good to be home, but damn is it humid here... :D

Welcome back honey. Glad to see you're home safe and sound. :)
Sounds like a helluva ride, Glad to hear you're safe and at home, Gato.
I am soooooooooo happy you're back on safe(r) soils Gato :hug:

now off with that towel it's been far too long!!! :brow:
So...Hows the Saudi women? Should we spare them when we finally aim this thing in the right direction?....Good to have you back, Gato.
w00t w00t..... GATO is home. the girls will be happy now. Ill put the towel back on. :)
:crying4: I can really feel the love in this room... :crying4: Wait a second...Where's my towel? Leslie!!! You bring that back this instant...so I can rub you down with it... ;)