Welcome Cerise

Hi Inky1, Gotholic, and Dave.

I did the basic Google search for a forum that had "off topic" subjects and here I am. Can't say I regret it one bit.

"Sonic the Hedgehog"? Like a prickey---er, prickley shield on the outside and a guarded soft underbelly rolled up in a little ball on the inside? A soft underbelly?? Say it isn't so, Mr. Prof !!

So Prof resemblesthe Rural Municipality of Gimli situated on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, huh? I spaced my geography homework years ago but I try my darndnest to make up for it now. Heh heh heh.

I almost forgot to check the keg: is there at least some foam left to top off my cup? If not there's still time to take it back for the depost and bring back a full one...

Thanks everyone---have a goodnite and don't let the bedbugs bite.

A newbie that posts! ...and can spell! ...and utilizes basic grammar techniques!

OMG! Its been so long since we've had one of those. Quick; someone vaccum. We don't want to be scaring 'em off.
unclehobart said:
A newbie that posts! ...and can spell! ...and utilizes basic grammar techniques!

OMG! Its been so long since we've had one of those. Quick; someone vaccum. We don't want to be scaring 'em off.


Ha! It'll take a lot more than being nice to me to scare me off.

I hope you'll never be thinking "OMG--she's still here?"
Hi Slim, Uki

Yeah, it seems beer lacks for a lot in the taste department.

Give me a Bailey's and coffee, with a splash of Irish whiskey (well, maybe decaff coffee)

Oh, it's right here as I speak ;)

Dang, I gotta go to work---later.
Bienvenue Cerise :)

Welcome to our grimy little corner of the web. :)

*MrBishop grabs the greasiest slice of 'zza and a cold one.
Aw Mr. Bishop c'mon now--from what I've seen in here needle barely nudges past 1.5 on the grime meter scale of 1 to 10. They say a little grime is good for the digestion.

HomeLAN--the only beer I can choke down is Miller Lite. Don't know why in particular; it seems to be the only one that doesn't give me the footstomping shuddering blehs after I take a swallow.

But the guy that sold me that cooler said that if you knocked twice on the lid and thought of your favorite brand before you opened it the bottle would appear in it's icy depths.

I could bring out the Alcohol WithOut Liquid vaporiser if you don't want the cals or the carbs ;)

Professur---where the heck you been??
Reaming out folk that should damn well know better. The boss is out on a "team building exercise". I'm teaching the guppies fear.
You'd probably love the Sleeman's Silver Creek. Very very light tasting. I had one last summer, and the damn bottle was empty within minutes, and I'd no flammin idea where it went. The missus likes it. I like a bit more body to a beer.
Professur said:
Reaming out folk that should damn well know better. The boss is out on a "team building exercise". I'm teaching the guppies fear.

Learn 'em some "respect" too. Not to make eye contact with the Alpha.

Professur said:
Sleeman's Silver Creek.

Hmmm, sounds refreshing. If the magic cooler can't import the beer, I'll have to look around for it.
Cerise said:
"Sonic the Hedgehog"? Like a prickey---er, prickley shield on the outside and a guarded soft underbelly rolled up in a little ball on the inside? A soft underbelly?? Say it isn't so, Mr. Prof !!

Prof is like a steel coated marshmallow...he's soft on the inside but puts on a tough exterior!