Welcome DFisherman


Well-Known Member
You can give a man a fish and feed him for a day,
but if you introduce the same man to OTC...you can keep him occupied for a few years :D

Welcome to the weird little corner of the web we like to call OTC :swing:
Thank you Kamarad MrBishop for your welcome.

I believe the saying is actually:

"Give a man a fish, he owes you one fish.
Teach a man to fish, you give up your monopoly on fisheries."

Yours truly,

Thank you, Kamarad Tonksy, for your welcome.

I also miss fishing.

No wait, I mean "purpose". I am confusing the word with "porpoise"; although I do realize that it is not a fish but a mammal.

You will have to forgive me, as my command of the English language is specious at best, not being a native speaker.

Once again, thank you for your welcome.

- DFisherman
Thank you Kamarad BeardofPants. Yes I also love the location.

To answer Kamarad Tonksy's question; I am a citizen of the Glorious Confederation Of Soviet Canuckistan (Canada). I am also living in that nation's largest city, Torontograd (Toronto), in the beautiful semi-autonomous oblast of Ontarioski (Ontario).

"Soviet Canuckistan" was a term dreamt of by US far-right politician Pat Buchanan after Canada decided to skip sending its soldiers to die for other people's money. It seemed, "Soviet Canuckistan" was the worst thing he could think of.

We just think it's hilarious.
:wave2: Aaaaah another Canadian cousin... we're gonna run out of maple syrup at this rate! :p

*CB hopes we run ot of maple leaves... especially if they are used for a similar purpose as fig leaves* :brow:

Welcome DF! Do stick around post lots and have fun! :kiss:
Thank you for the welcome Kamarad ClaireBear.

The maple syrup is quite safe from me as I'm not too fond of it. Yes, I know that makes me an aberration in the eyes of most Canadians. The problem is that I have a large extended family and several of my uncles had sugaring farms that produced top notched maple products. They are no longer operating and I find the maple syrup goods offered generally to be of poor quality. Spoiled at a young age, might be said of me and maple syrup.

Your quote regarding maple syrup and fig leaves reminds me of the first "Red Dwarf" episode with "Ace" Rimmer:

ACE goes to the outer office of some superior officer. He strides in and is greeted by the secretary, MELLIE, who bears a not-so-surprising resemblance to HOLLY, but with a whole body and shorter hair.

MELLIE: What are you doing lunchtime?
ACE: Not sure. Why?
MELLIE: Because if you're interested, I'll be in my quarters, covered in maple syrup.
ACE: I'm sorry, Mellie, I don't fraternize with the staff.
MELLIE: I resign.
ACE: I'll be there at 1300.

{ Later in a scene with ACE and his superior BONGO }:

BONGO: I know that this prob'ly won't interest you, but I'd hate myself for the rest of my life if I didn't at least suggest it.
ACE: Suggest what?
BONGO: If you're interested, I'll be in my quarters at lunchtime, covered in taramosalata.
ACE: I didn't know your bread was buttered that side, Bongo.
BONGO: It isn't. I've been happily married for 35 years. It's just, a chap like you can turn a guy's head.
ACE: I'm sorry, Bongo. Lunch is...on Mellie.


- DFisherman
ClaireBear said:
*CB hopes we run ot of maple leaves... especially if they are used for a similar purpose as fig leaves* :brow:

Sorry to disappoint but there are no shortage of maple leaves all over the ground here...unfortunately there IS a shortage of Maples LEAFS anywhere around the T dot :crying4:

Welcome Df btw :D
Nixy said:
Sorry to disappoint but there are no shortage of maple leaves all over the ground here...unfortunately there IS a shortage of Maples LEAFS anywhere around the T dot :crying4:

Welcome Df btw :D

Thanks for the friendly welcome, Kamarad Nixy.

Might has well go see the Ice Dogs in Mississauga.

- DFisherman
DFisherman said:
Thanks for the friendly welcome, Kamard Nixy.

Might has well go see the Ice Dogs in Mississauga.

- DFisherman

I'd rather see the Bulldogs here in Hamilton or the Batalion in Brampton :p
Thanks for the friendly welcome, Kamarad Leslie.

To paraphrase Guy Lafleur in an interview he gave recently regarding the strike: Let the NHL die. Reboot a new league with twelve solid market teams and make salaries and ticket prices reasonable.

- DFisherman