Welcome DFisherman

chcr said:
Are you certain they can't kick your ass out of Canada for that?
Welcome anyway.:D

Thank you for the friendly welcome, Kamarad chcr.

I'm sure I'm breaking some bylaw, but it will be a misdameanor and not a felony. I should be fine after I pay my ticket and serve out some community service.


- DFisherman
DFisherman said:
I'm sure I'm breaking some bylaw, but it will be a misdameanor and not a felony. I should be fine after I pay my ticket and serve out some community service.

That's a relief. :D

BTW, I grew up in upstate NY, we had a sugar bush just beyond our back yard. Made syrup and candy every year. 40+ years later and I still love it. :shrug:
Starya said:
Me dad's a fisherman.

I know, not all that relevant, just mentioning it. :lloyd:

Good afternoon Kamarad Starya,

Thank you for the welcome. For curiosity's sake, is your father a deep sea (working) fisherman or is he a sports fisherman?

Myself, I'm not a fisherman per se, I just have an alias as such. I don't even remember how I arrived at it it's been so long I've been using it (elsewhere, of course).


- DFisherman
Real deal. He built his own boat and all. Kinda like this one:

Starya said:
Real deal. He built his own boat and all. Kinda like this one:

Kamarad Starya,

That's a good-sized sea worthy vessel. Your father must be a very good draughtsman, carpenter, and mariner. Very nice.


- DFisherman