Welcome, evil one

Professur said:
What they don't tell you is that it also makes your butthole clench up tighter than a mizer's wallet. That's why most canadians with hemmoroids just don't give a shit.

OK, that one's a little better.
This must be the longest welcome thread where the welcomed didn't show up.
OH GOOO! and by the way, we took the children to buy new tooth brushes tonight and your oldest picked out the one with the monkey on it!
BeardofPants said:
And the real reason she keeps it short is to keep the dreads out. ;)

Poo, shampoo, hair, hemorrhoids....my powerful powers of deduction (which I might add is a special technique, learnt in detective school...commonly known as 'stating the obvious')...BUTT HAIR!

BTW, they should be french plaited and worn with pink ribbons.