Welcome, FluerVanderloo

*looks around for lovely people*
where have they been hiding all this time? :alienhuh:
When I try to say "FluerVanderloo" out loud, it comes out "FlooberBambadoo". :lloyd:

(I swear I'm sober)
I feel so....loved lol

You'll find I'm very opinionated, and I love to rant about things I disagree with. If I know a lot about the topic in question, you can bet your ass I'll argue my point to the very end :)

Otherwise, I'm very sweet and enjoy long walks on the beach :lol2:
FluerVanderloo said:
You'll find I'm very opinionated, and I love to rant about things I disagree with. If I know a lot about the topic in question, you can bet your ass I'll argue my point to the very end :)

Have fun and watch out 'cause you're not the only one who thinks that way around here ;)