Welcome Jas101!!

Ah well,

I never liked that moose picture anyway.
My mouse looks like hes been thumped with your hammer.
Then why does it explode everytime it hits that blob thing? I know that hammers do this. I've even seen it happen a couple of times. A gavel -on the other hand- is gently tapped to make a polite and courteous interuption or statement, that hammer is smashing the crap out of a poor defenseless blob.

And it explodes. Gavels are NOT supposed to do that. Unless of course you got it from the IRA.

Im' sure its a mouse thumping hammer.
Cool, another Brit. :headbang:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :hadbang:

Getting pretty fed up of these faggoty foreign-types. :D ;)

Thank you all.

I feel really popular right now.
But I bet you'll all be calling me "that limey bastard"in a few weeks.

Har har har