welcome octal

DAMN IT! I hate when you're right!

And she DOES have a VERY heavy accent!
and I am listening to "Black Velvet" a very good (dirty) dancing song :D
Everyone hates it when I'm right, nixy. That's why I have so few friends. If I'm not sure, I keep my trap shut.

Remember, it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Hey, there's a thread in that.
Yeah it doesn't say much of anything important. The most important thing about it is the urgent marking I put on it :D

I was gonna mark it private but didn't know if that woudl rouse suspicion with anyone...
why is that?

it doesn't say anythig of importance at all. just a bit of blabbering.
yeah....I think I have a mic now so if I wanna post a .wav file i am capable :D
SHIT!!! I was suppose to send you a headset, wasn't I. Damn, damn, damn, damn.

They're in the same pile as that diskpaq. Do you still need it?

Frig, now I feel like a heel.
Well, I have a head set from my phone. I can only use that as a mic OR headphones though (if it works at all I haven't tried it)...so, yeah...I guess I do need it still...
In the mail tomorrow, I promise. I'll need the address again. The comp I had it stored on went south when the water heater blew out my breaker panel.
Yes, yes we did. If I knew how I could take all our posts into a seperate thread but I do not know how...:tardbang: