Welcome RD_151...

RD_151 said:
So HomeLAN, who are you at HWC? I don't recognize the name!

Heh. I'm HomeLAN over there, too. I just haven't been over there in a couple years. Always enjoyed reading your posts, though.
PuterTutor said:
btw, the Hamster is still dead, too. I'm not paying.

Then a couple of men in black suits...Vinnie and er...Leroy, will come round and bash your head in.



Sorry I didn't remember ya then. Its been a while. I don't think I posted regularly since 99. Wow, that seem like a lifetime ago!!! Man, I must be getting old!!!


I think maybe its something to do with the firewall here at work. I'm not sure though. YOu appear as offline. I had trouble with icq, I couldn't register at all cuz of the firewall here. At least thats what I think, sorry I'm not an IT guy, I have no idea how to get around this. Or if its even the problem.
Yeah, but he's old school HwC...if you survived discussions with wdeep...well....you can rule the world :D
speaking of wdeep, is he on this board. I haven't emailed him in ages. I'm wondering if he's still out there.

Actually, reflecting on the old days, are any of the clones here? I mean I see a couple, but I can't even remember the names of some "personalities" from back in the day.

I do remember getting banned, and a few others of us getting banned, but I really can't remember some of that stuff. Its too bad the deleted everything from OT. Oh well.

any way, if wdeep or never2muchram are around, please be sure to let me know.
Thats too bad. Should I send wdeep a link? I think I can find his email address. Never2 is a different story, he just seemed to disapear.

What about that other guy, did anybody ever figure out who that was. I have to admit, that was the most interesting period of posting I can remember. It seemed it was troll/clone hunting season or something.

Oh well, I guess we probably won't find out who it was. I really can't believe I'm still curious after all this time. After all, I can't even remember then name, thats bad. I am getting old.
Welcome, RD_151 :beardbng: <-- Don't mind the cum in my beard, I'm just trying to shake it loose

A few people from here have already sent wdeep a link, not one of them has been successful. We have seen VectraP around though...
thanks fury,

I think I will try to email him then. I can't believe he would not like this site. This is EXACTLY like the old OT at HWC except without the censorship and constant locks, and banning. Well, I have to think he should like it. Although, knowing wdeep, he will find some way to get banned here too ;) Ya gotta love that about him :)

btw, good luck with the beard!
wdeep is out of the cooler and hot on the trail of his job hunt, last I heard. Or, at least, he should be.