Welcome Steelblayde


Um, another Everquest junkie. And I didn't invite you. But welcome here anyways. If you are crazy enough to stay.... ;)

Welcome! :headbang:

Jerrek: You better watch it, ya little fuck ;), if too many more of your friends find their way over here we're eventually gonna hear one of them spit out your life story :D
fury said:
Welcome! :headbang:

Jerrek: You better watch it, ya little fuck ;), if too many more of your friends find their way over here we're eventually gonna hear one of them spit out your life story :D
hah. no. I would beat them up first. And I don't really know this guy except from the Everquest message board I read. So don't worry :p
hello, welcome to the boards....ejoy your stay and stuff like that, and keep away from jerrek if he comes walking towards you with ducttape in his hands :)

follow that rule and you'll be fine :) otherwise you might end up taped to a tree, have your pubic hairs torn out and be mentally scarred for the rest of your life :)
fury said:
Jerrek: You better watch it, ya little fuck ;), if too many more of your friends find their way over here we're eventually gonna hear one of them spit out your life story :D

erm, can't we force his friends NOT to do that? i'm pretty sure most of the members won't be able to sleep if they hear it....i don't know the story and i don't want to know :D
horror is one thing, but people can push it :p