ResearchMonkey said:
OK, so it’s for greed as well as validity, sorry for the mistake. . . and thanx for noticing
Well I suppose if wanting better health coverage (i.e. sharing your partners benefits gives you better coverage) is greedy, then yes, we're greedy. Out of curiosity, how many hetero couples reading this thread share medical benefits with a spouse? Which one of you had the better health care when you got married and how long did it take the other one to get on that policy once you got hitched?
ResearchMonkey said:
Like I said, give or take, you said marriage was ‘fucked-up’
I suppose you can continue to believe that is what I'm saying if you want. That is, however, not what I am saying. What I have (unsuccessfully it seems) been trying to point out is that everything is not puppy dogs and roses when it comes to marriage these days. Having read nearly every thread on this board having to do with the subject, it seems that the overall belief is that homosexuals are going to taint the "sacred institution" of marriage. What I'm trying to get across is that marriage has flaws that are there that have nothing to do with homosexuals, and to make it clear that "we" are not out to destroy, taint, or otherwise tarnish marriage and what it should stand for. Once again, it is my firm belief that by allowing homosexuals to marry it will only strengthen the views on marriage that society has today.
ResearchMonkey said:
The church is the body that dictates church policy; most churches do not condone the behavior.
No one prevents you from practicing religion of any faith, you have religious freedom.
Most churches do not, but there are some that do. If marriage is a religious rite, and a church that does condone "that behavior" presides over same sex matrimony, then why wouldn't the word "marriage" apply to them? If two guys get hitched in a church, then let marriage apply to them, if they just sign some papers in front of a clerk of the court, then let civil union apply to them. But let those same rules apply to hetero couples. Church = marriage, court = civil union.
ResearchMonkey said:
Thanks calling me a bigot, how little you really know. (ask Ms.Cleo to send you your $5 back)
This I apologize for. The "your" in that sentence was not directed specifically at you, but at anyone reading the message who held those beliefs. Off topic, what does Ms. Cleo have to do with it?
ResearchMonkey said:
Yes, procreation and plumbing has much to with it, you catch on quickly. How does one consummate homosexual marriage? Slapping their johnsons together?
Is it safe to assume these are rhetorical questions? You don't really think we just stand around cock fighting do you?
ResearchMonkey said:
Oh-ho-ho, you’re sharp, I thought I was going slip that one by you nice eye Dick Tracey. Point stands as a double edge blade.
You're right there as well, just because they shouldn't doesn't mean they should. But this isn't about admission of a girl into the boy scouts or some man wanting to work as a waiter at Hooters. The boy scouts are a private organization, Hooters is a themed eating establishment (if you can call that crap food). It is my belief that marriage doesn't fall within those parameters. While the decision to marry a person is a private matter, marriage itself is a public institution, and therefore should be available to all members of the pubic to privately decide who they wish to marry.
ResearchMonkey said:
They have had thousands of years and many opportunities to accepted, but each time society has bumped the behavior back out on its ass. There have been times where homosexuality and pedophilia was all the social rage, but again, social evolution has rejected it every time.
This is your basis for not giving it a chance now? A lot has happened since the days when Romans fed christians to lions, Catholics burned heretics at the stake and Hitler rounded up homosexuals as one of the first groups to be put in concentration death camps. Progress is made by people who never give up. I would hope that with a forward thinking society such as ours we wouldn't simply go, "Hey, a bunch of people in the past who had way crazy ideas about how the world works didn't like it, so neither should I."
ResearchMonkey said:
So explain to me more about the full faith and credit report you did. *quivers at the thought he may have even more high-school term papers at the ready*
Actually, it was a college paper, and I'll have to find it. But I will, and I'll be happy to let you read it when I do.
ResearchMonkey said:
Using your own wonderful logic: Since you gave it a whirl and most people quieffed against it, why don’t you quit and accept civil unions. Oh I forgot, hypocrisy is allowed by liberals.
Since we gave "what" are whirl? And since you've mentioned this before, can you please show me where it's stated that the homosexual public has said that we refuse civil unions? If hypocrisy is allowed by liberals, is it standard practice for conservatives?
ResearchMonkey said:
God forbid that I would ever have the life of a homosexual in my charge, who knows what my bigotry and homophobia might do.
So, what would you do if you had the life of a homosexual in your charge?
ResearchMonkey said:
I give you that you’re both witty and literate which makes your post fun to read, you express your flamboyant colors proudly.
ResearchMonkey said: offer little in the art of debate. Instead you’re sarcastic comments, sexual bravado and general vile attempt to label are nothing more than childish attempts to make emotion sound like logical reasoning.
As far as what I offer in debate... So far there has been little TO debate. If you want to argue plumbing and procreation, well you've got me there. You're right; I can't change my ass into a functioning uterus. You win, but you will never convince me that the sole role of marriage is to produce children. Marriage is a commitment to family, and families come in all types, not just those that include genetic copies of the adults. If you can't see past this, then there is no debate, there is no conversation. I have offered plenty of issues that I think add greatly to what's been said here. Yes, I've been sarcastic, yes, I've used sexual bravado, and perhaps I've thrown out a few "vile labels", but, if you were to look at the context of what was said, you'd understand WHY they were used. You'd probably realize I've said a lot more than what you've picked up on.