Welcome to Missouri!

Gonz said:
In one fell swoop, all the arguments from that side are simply washed away in the interest of simple facts.

Homosexuality is, as I've contended for some time, natural but nor normal, a genetic defect, a biological error. With that knowledge it thus becomes choice. The whole is not intended to run on the whims of a few.

Homosexuality is natural *and* normal. As has been documented in animals, when a population gets out of control, homosexuality rises (lessening the birth rate) and parents start eating their children until the population is once again down to a level wherein they can sustain themselves. It's just (social?) evolution in play, the inverse of an earlier society where we didn't have vaccines and good food and a couple had 10 children to till the farm, and only 1 of 4 made it to the age of 20.

And then, we can't forget those who I affectionately term "fauxmos" -- folks who may not be "genetically" gay but have homosexual encounters on their choosing. But then, is the fact that I fancy my own sex genetic, or learned? Certainly a combination of both... or not, or who knows. There certainly isn't enough evidence for any sort of answer, nor do I believe it makes any difference -- call me a hippie dreamer, but love is love.
kale said:
Ok, let's. I already know what you're going to say, and rather than fight it point-by-point over the next few pages of the thread, here's a link that does it for me: http://www.freedomtomarry.org/document.asp?doc_id=1443

I’m sure that an opinion written by gay wanna be lawyer with a degree in business that is still trying to figure out what he want to be when grows up does it for you. :confbang:

I notice he cites Stanley Kurtz,; Kurtz is well respected worldwide but is hated by the homosexual agenda that have been trying for years to ruin his name to no avail. Why do you suppose they have been trying to ruin him? Could it be that he said something against the agenda. You can go past the first two pages, those are just his impeccable credentials, His affidavit

Yeah and contact can spead things yadda yada, Due to the unhealthy physical attributes of homosexual behaviors, the rate of disease in homosexual men is many times higher in a plethora of conditions; HIV, HBV, HCV, HPV, rectal cancer, Chlamydia of the throat, etc. There are a number of diseases that are common among homosexuals and near non-existent in the heterosexual world as related to sexual transmission. (you can do the work trying to refute it you if care too)

The cause of such inflated rates have not yet been determined, and a large group of analysts suggest it is because of the social stigma of such a lifestyle, and the reactions of people to the lifestyle.

*ding* Nice try, won’t fly, wrong answer. Look into the NEMESIS study that has been validated by NIH, CDC etc. Big difference between objective and subjective evidence.

The “stigma” of being a criminal is a stigma of morality and deemed as a “unmoral person”, -warrented. The stigma of the mentally challenged person has the stigma of being a “stupid”, “crazy” or even “contagoius” -unwarrented. a stigma is only a stigma if it is not true. You bet your bottom dollar that the agenda has spent hundreds of millions of dollars and the force of the lobby to make it non-PC to say anything that might place a difference between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Some of the falicies have been reversed over time and the gay lobby hates their hard work disproven. (“being gay is genetic, we have proof!” and “HIV is not a gay desease!”)

There are always extremes. I'm quite certain they balance out.

Wrong again young lady, there is evidence all over the place, but since your already reading summary’s about the NEMESIS study you may find that a fully 85% of new HIV cases in the Netherlands come from legally married homosexuals. Thus leading one to believe that promiscuty runs rampant among monogoumous homosexuals.

Y'know why? Because for *years* in the 80s, HIV/AIDs was seen as a "gay" disease, sent by God to wipe out the terrible, terrible homos. When straight people started getting the disease, public opinion started to shift a bit, prompting more research into the disease. By the way, here's a link from the National Institute of Health stating that the rate of infection of HIV among gay men has dropped 50% over the past few years, while it's jumped over 60% among black females. http://www.nih.gov/news/pr/jun98/nci-16.htm

OK, let’s look closer at your numbers because as good as they may sound to you they’re quite deceptive; let compare the number of Black women to the number of gay men. Take those numbers and consider how many of those two populations are already infected and cannot become new infections then re-evaluate your numbers as to rate of infection to each other. Look at the percentage of the homosexual population as compared to the black female population for % of infection. You also need to look at who is doing the infecting, it is males that participate in anal penetration with other men that do not consider themselves homosexuals? hmmmmm

As far HIV being homosexual disease then not being a homosexual disease and now again it is recognized as a homosexual disease, primarily among men.

It's not the pheromones -- it's the receptors! "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and the stink of your musk is in the olfactory glands of the sniffer. My alarms go off when a hot chick goes by, [ b ]'s goes off pretty much non-stop when there's a man around. Guess a switch got mixed up or something, damn genes...
Cute, but that "stink" is not pheromones that is bacteria among other biological oganisms. Go read up and try again, (hint: don’t rely so heavily on the “I’m feeling lucky” button on google.

We can't ignore our animal instincts, y'know. Besides, here's a great article relating homosexuality and nature to the current gay marriage debate -- how poignant! http://www.backyardnature.net/j/o/homosex.htm

From your source "Jim's News Letter"
The higher up the evolutionary scale you go, the kinkier it all gets. Among communities of mice and other mammals, when population density reaches a certain high level where diseases and famine threaten, not only does homosexual behavior appear but also parents begin killing their own offspring.

So unhealthy social conditions drive mice to cannibalism and homosexuality, oh yeah, that IS progressive! What about sex with adolecents should we condone this animal behavior as normal? Or are all these unhealthy confused behaviors wrong among cognitive thinking humans that can reason.

Oh baby, infacide in China is natural! Sex with children is A-O-K too, and I can have herd of wives. NAMBLA and pologomist will love this news. (even thoo the homosexual lobby miles away from eith of those two 'other' less deserving agandas)

That guy in England that emailed applications for homosexuals to eat was only progressive, he was just over populated and ahead of time. i see it all so clearly now, thanks Kale.

Fact: the behaviors that can be briefly looked at as homosexuality are more often then not a developmental stage or socail behavior that is grown out of. The homosexual monogamous relationship is extremely rare, and to my knowlegde, non-exitant among healthy subject.

The homosexual vanguard once laid claim to the holy grail of Genetic proof being the natual cause of homosexuality. Only to have all the vaildation studies come to less-then unsupportive conclusions. Since then 2 more times had thought they found something again to no avail. The hunt is still on but since but with far less enthusiasm due to the lack of indicators. So as far as your "genetic" flaw, that will be your little secret.
hi new member, had to get involved in this thread...

here's my babble to spew...

1) NATURAL is a dangerous word. As you said, cannibalism is natural... so is the urge for people to have sex with multiple partners and little children. we have already banned polygamy, polyandry (did we REALLY have to go that far?) and pedophilia. So while homosexual may be "natural" its still a deviance.

2) This deviance has spread like wildfire. Whether the urges were there in the past centuries or not, let's face it, there are way too many people coming out in the world today. As kale puts them, "fauxmos" are popping up left and right, on daytime TV, on primetime TV, the news, in the streets. Now if some TV shows and video games cause some kids to go Columbine, imagine how confused little Timmy is.

I think this whole gay marriage movement is a sham and it's only picking up steam because of the momentum it's picked up from the media. As if the sanctity of marriage weren't screwed up enough (Britney Spears getting married for ONE day... 50% of all marriages ending in divorce), now we want to change the entire definition of it because some deviants want to be like the in-crowd?

I'm not against people loving other people, but I am against the definition of marriage being further deconstructed.

And I'm done with this mindless drivel at the end of 10 hours at work >_<
Oookay. I leave for a few days, and is threatening to leave again, kale is in a slobber-knocker with RM, and most everybody else is moving into a polarized group. WTF? I'm beginning to think I'm a *ugh* stabilizing influence on this board... :eek8:
MrBishop said:
It wasn't an assumption..just a warning to those who use the term "Evolution" as if all evolution is progressive, positive or even useful.

Race is genetic, and being black can be cured with gene therapy. You're always talking about DWB...I'm assuming that if you were offered, you would gladly accept becomming white, or a woman, or left handed, or have blue eyes, or be taller, or be...they're all genetic. Get it?

Just cause it can be changed, doesn't mean that it should.

I just saw this, and I only have this to say...

According to human history, all humanity is descended from Africa...meaning my genetic code is more in line with nature than your genetic code. That being said, I'll also offer this...caucausians are indeed the minority race on the planet, thus making that race a genetic anomaly (adaptive morphology aside). Now, justify your genetic mutation from the source code. ;)

That being said, look at adaptive morphology from a climactic standpoint, and you'll find that being black needs no cure...Also...I never said that homosexuality needs to be cured. Re-read my post, and then comment...notjust the parts you feel upset about. There's a good lad. ;)
Gato_Solo said:
Oookay. I leave for a few days, and is threatening to leave again, kale is in a slobber-knocker with RM, and most everybody else is moving into a polarized group. WTF? I'm beginning to think I'm a *ugh* stabilizing influence on this board... :eek8:

No fear Gato, I'm not going anywhere, I'm just done with this thread... or I was hehehe.

Thulsa Doom said:
Yeah and you ignored em every time. by the hundreds.

Your whimsical attempts to create fact off the top of you head doesn’t exactly qualify as fact.

You did state, half a dozen tiimes that you were going to post facts but never quite got around to doing it.

Go re-read your own post, the only thing you posted as a fact was that I support discrimination which is not true.
Keyes Criticizes Cheney's Lesbian Daughter
Tue Aug 31 2004 23:04:55 ET

Alan Keyes, the Republican candidate for a vacant U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, said Tuesday that Vice President Dick Cheney's daughter Mary is a "selfish hedonist" because she is a lesbian.

His comments came during an interview with SIRIUS satellite radio.

Keyes said: "The essence of ... family life remains procreation. If we embrace homosexuality as a proper basis for marriage, we are saying that it's possible to have a marriage state that in principal excludes procreation and is based simply on the premise of selfish hedonism."

Asked whether that meant Mary Cheney "is a selfish hedonist," Keyes said: "That goes by definition. Of course she is."

ResearchMonkey said:
Your whimsical attempts to create fact off the top of you head doesn’t exactly qualify as fact.

You did state, half a dozen tiimes that you were going to post facts but never quite got around to doing it.

oh you mean the many facts you chose to ignore outright while championing studies about gay marriage in a country where gay marriage was illegal at the time of the study? :D with facts like yours who needs lies. :D

Go re-read your own post, the only thing you posted as a fact was that I support discrimination which is not true.

oh? well glad to hear you are no longer for a constitutional amendment than. great news. im sure good decent monogamous gays everwhere will appreciate that. :D