Welcome to the third ever window licker, ChristPuncher!

What the hey... It was a slow night. His appearance got this place stirred up for a few hours. It helped to invigorate the blood.
It's more fun to lure the trolls around before reeling them in. I should take up fishing, huh?
I thought you Canucks just cut holes in the ice and went anyway?
Not if the ice isn't thick enough to walk on....or if we want to go in a boat...:retard:
Alright, Prof, sorry. How long you lived there, if it's more than half, you're going to have to start admitting you're at least part Canuck.
It might be cold outside, but hell hasn't frozen over yet.

And I would icefish, but my lake has an EPA and they don't allow any icefishing. Bastards.
fury said:
Vortex said:
statistically speaking, is this the quickest KiddieKorner ban this forum has had then??
I believe so.

I'll congratulate him the next time I see him (and as Tommyj noted, I as well take no responsibility for his actions...he is a window licker).