Aunty Em
Well-Known Member
Wish said:I can bring you many small children though. I heard they taste like chicken.
I like children, but I couldn't eat a whole one unless you do it with BBQ sauce?
Wish said:I can bring you many small children though. I heard they taste like chicken.
Wish said:Heh, Jack Handy is the man.
Another thing kids like is to be tricked. I told my little nephew I was taking him to Disney Land but instead I took him to an old burned out wharehouse and said, "Oh no Disney Land burned down!". He cried and cried, but deep down inside, I'm sure he thought it was a pretty funny joke. I was going to drive him over to the real Disney Land but it was getting kind of late.
Squiggy said:Um...Aunty.....about your av......Its really hard to type like this...