Welcome, Wish

Wish said:
I can bring you many small children though. I heard they taste like chicken.

I like children, but I couldn't eat a whole one unless you do it with BBQ sauce?
Heh, Jack Handy is the man.

Another thing kids like is to be tricked. I told my little nephew I was taking him to Disney Land but instead I took him to an old burned out wharehouse and said, "Oh no Disney Land burned down!". He cried and cried, but deep down inside, I'm sure he thought it was a pretty funny joke. I was going to drive him over to the real Disney Land but it was getting kind of late.

Wish said:
Heh, Jack Handy is the man.

Another thing kids like is to be tricked. I told my little nephew I was taking him to Disney Land but instead I took him to an old burned out wharehouse and said, "Oh no Disney Land burned down!". He cried and cried, but deep down inside, I'm sure he thought it was a pretty funny joke. I was going to drive him over to the real Disney Land but it was getting kind of late.


Mental cruelty is no fun with kids, they're too little to understand what's going on.... a little physical saddism is much more fun... :whip:
Squiggy said:
:eek5: Um...Aunty.....about your av......Its really hard to type like this...


Well you'll just have to 'cos I checked and it doesn't violate the aup. :D

Plus I have a few more where that came from... ;)