Welcome, Wish

I lost my sanity a long time ago. And I'm broke as hell so no pizza either. I can bring you many small children though. I heard they taste like chicken.
No, we also spam around in the other forums. You do know there are other forums don't you? :beerbang:
SoldierPrime said:
man is this all you guys do all day? welcome people? its cool though :tardbang:

nice to feel welcomed, don't you think? :D

and welcome Wish :headbng2:
Squiggy said:
Hmmmm....dilema, dilema...I don't believe in wishes......:tardbang:

Ok, don't believe in me then. We'll see who gets the prime parts of my "Small Child Roast" later...
I find small children disagree with me.
Especially when I tell them there is no Santa Claus :evilgrin:
Arris said:
I find small children disagree with me.
Especially when I tell them there is no Santa Claus
I prefer telling them there Was a Santa, til we had a little misunderstanding. :gun:
Deep Thoughts

Jack Handy said:
"If a child asks why it is raining, a cute thing to tell them is "God is crying", and if they ask why, another cute thing to tell them is "It was probably something that you did."
