Well, I'm less 5 teeth.


Staff member
Feeling like crap, but at least my tooth troubles are gone. And I get 3 bottles of vicodin to clear out! :beerbang:

BTW, they were my 4 wisdom teeth and one supernumery tooth, if that makes any sense. :confuse3:
damn, i only got one small bottle :( didn't even use any until about a year later, not the best but good stuff anyways :retard:

did you go for the general anesthsea?
fury said:
Feeling like crap, but at least my tooth troubles are gone. And I get 3 bottles of vicodin to clear out! :beerbang:

BTW, they were my 4 wisdom teeth and one supernumery tooth, if that makes any sense. :confuse3:

They told me years ago I would have to have my wisdom teeth out as they were impacted, but I refused, put up with the growing pains and guess what? There's no longer a problem 'cos they sorted themselves out. :)

I think dentist's are too eager to see a problem where there isn't one.
tommyj27 said:
did you go for the general anesthsea?
I think. It was N[sup]2[/sup]O. but it didn't work after they started the operation, so I felt most of it.
And another thing, I know you don't smoke but stay away from drinking through straws for a while. Ever hear of Dry Socket? I know Nalani was going through the same thing for quite some time, it took a long time for her to heal.

I'm glad it's over now though and that you can get through the process of healing. The first week is really rough but it will get easier. Wow, five at the same time, that's got to be a bitch. How long did it take?
The operation took about 2 hours. Mom brought me there and dropped me off. I was there at 9, they were ready for me as soon as I walked in, so I got laid down, they strapped the knockout gas on my head, gave me the numbing shots, and I started going to lala land. It had just started really working about 3 minutes before they came to start the operation, and then as soon as the cutting and drilling started, I sobered up. Sucks, I really liked where I was headed on the knockout gas. I could barely focus on my breathing because of all the pain, so that made it even harder for it to work.

greenfreak said:
stay away from drinking through straws for a while. Ever hear of Dry Socket?
They told me about those, they sound like bad news. I've done everything in my power to try to prevent this but I'm not sure exactly what it will take to stop it from happening. They said 24 hours after the operation I should start rinsing away food stuck in the holes by swishing warm salt water. I think getting salt stuck in there would hurt worse :eek: but I'll do it anyway

They said no spitting, no sucking (including straws), and no hard foods for the next week or so. So it looks like I've got ramen, mashed potatoes, and cottage cheese on the menu for the next week. :beerbang:
Downed 1 vicodin, 600mg of Ibuprofen, and an amoxicillin about 7:30 this morning... They're just now starting to work (2.5 hours later)
Salt water shouldn't have any solids in it. If it does then you have too much salt and not enough water...
they told me to stay away from hard foods, i had pizza the night i had them out.

vicodin takes forever to kick in
I can barely even close my jaw all the way, so I couldn't have hard foods even if I wanted to.

*continues nibbling on his cottage cheese and downing generic Sprite*
The docs say I must've drank all my milk and took all my vitamins, cause my bone density made it hard to get them out. Damn milk. :tardbang:

I drank Slim Fast a lot and soup and ice cream. I don't think the Vicodin will make you not feel any pain, but just makes you loopy and not care about the pain. So don't go overboard thinking it will take it away altogether, it's only there to help. And the saltwater thing doesn't hurt as bad as you think it would.