Wow, thanks everyone! Good tips, keep 'em coming if you've got any more!
Uki said:
The only advise I can really give you is to make sure that all decisions and plans are ok'd with you. This is your day, not anyone elses and you want to be able to enjoy it and remember it as a great day!
Mom is pretty cool about respecting my opinions and decisions, although I may have to keep her in line just a little bit. I'm up to the challenge! She's not the kind of person to pull the "Well I'm paying for it so you have to agree with me." thing. It also helps that over the years, my siblings have borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from them for marraiges, divorces, court struggles, new cars, etc. and I haven't. Well, until now. But they offered.
Spot said:
cant offer any advice as i havent gone down that road yet but i will watch this thread with interest.
I guess I learn something new every day. I thought you had been married for years! Wow. Well, I guess I'll be giving
you advice at some point??
Homey said:
Second, if possible, keep your Mom out of the choice of caterer
When it comes to the food, Rusty and I will be the deciding factor, food is a deal breaker for us. (as evidenced by our waistlines

) I realize that I probably won't be eating much of it but I've been to some weddings with downright terrible food, and I don't want that for our wedding.
SNP said:
Now for the tips:
1. Wedding cake tastes like wedding cake. They all taste the same. You won't even remember what it tasted like. Save some cash, shop around for the cake.
2. Be frugal with the catering. No one goes to a wedding for the food. Let 'em eat...well, cake!
3. Register for your gifts. Be specific. Then be gracious when 41.3% of the stuff is not what you wanted anyway. It's called return policies...they are your friends.
4. WHEN (not if) guests, relatives, or friends start bitching about the ceremony or anything to do with it, cut 'em loose in your mind. This is your day, not theirs. Let no one or no thing ruin it for you.
5. Wear comfortable shoes. Fashion be damned.
6. Don't sweat every detail to the point of becoming frantic. It is supposed to be a happy day; make sure it is and let the rest slide.
7. If you blast off a week before the wedding, stay the fuck out of New Mexico.
The cake is not going to be some humongous thing, if anything it will be small but pretty. I'm going to find out if I can get orchids put on it too.
Registering is going to be a BLAST. There are three major places we've thought of so far, Crate & Barrell, Williams & Sonoma and Pottery Barn. That's going to be the really fun part. The only thing is that we're going to have to keep the presents at someone else's house after the shower because we absolutely don't have the room!
About people complaining about the ceremony/reception, no worries on that. Rusty and I have been saying for years that weddings have become all about pleasing everyone
except the bride and groom, and that is just not happening with us. There were some family squabbles last year about my cousin's wedding and some of my relatives showed just how selfish and nasty they can be. Although they're invited, I could care less about what they think. This wedding is not for them.
Shoes are going to be a bit of an issue. Rusty is an inch shorter than me, so I can't wear heels. I wouldn't want to anyway, you're right they're going to hurt. I plan on having a floor length dress so you won't see the shoes anyway. Perhaps a pair of green keds would be sufficient.
And I hope after six years together, that I'm sure about him.
Ku'u said:

If you do come, I promise I won't be barging in on you at all hours of the day ... I'll leave you guys alone for a few hours, at least
as for advice, my hubby & i eloped, kind of, with only our parents & siblings present. the judge was kind enough to come out to our aunt's beach home so it was lovely! it was low-key, low-stress, & totally fun!
Sounds like a plan chicky! I know how much you love tourists so I might pick your brain for non-touristy stuff to do. Ok, maybe a
little touristy, like a helicopter ride to that mountain you told me about!
I wish I could do the same, with a Judge on a beach. But my family would kill me!
TXRaceLady said:
The best advice I can offer
1. Keep it simple. Forget the froofroo stuff that nobody really cares about anyway.
2. Wear comfortable shoes and have a good time.
Thanks! I'm a simple person to begin with, so froofroo isn't my style anyway. I want to look nice and have a great time but I'm not going to sweat the small stuff.
Unc said:
Good for you. Is Boston still on the horizon?
Not at all, actually. Both of us grew up a little bit and realized that we would be happier here, close to my family. My nieces and nephews are becoming more and more of a part of our lives, and now Rusty really understands how much I would miss them if we lived so far. You say it's only a 5 hour drive, but that's a lot when you consider I could see them in an hour anytime I want. But one of the towns we're looking at is a ferry town right on the North Shore. We could be in Connecticut in an hour, which is convenient for weekend jaunts!
The best piece of advice pertains to your first paragraph.
As anyone who has experienced it, the 'piece of paper'
will change things. Everything!
For the better by the way...
Oh and yer absolutely certain ‘he’ doesn’t want to procreate, ever!
I think it will change my mindset a little, and I will refer to him as my husband instead of my boyfriend, but the other big change, the house, I think will be more of a change for us. And yes, we have discussed children for years and have no desire for any of our own. We agreed if, at some point in the next few years, we have a HUGE change of heart (not likely) then we would adopt.
Gonz, we have been exercising those rules since the start, moreso when we moved in together. It was something in a book I read, and it stuck with me... Never go to bed angry. We're also very physically affectionate. I think when you don't have kids it's different, you don't have to work as hard on the husband-and-wife relationship. We don't have other distractions really.
Thanks again for the congrats everyone. I've been so used to playing it down over the years, it's nice to feel other people excited for us. I'm trying to contain myself so far, waiting for my parents to give the go ahead on a dollar amount. Whatever they say, I'm going to aim a thousand lower. I don't want to have this become a burden on them.
Now I'm off to start looking at rings.