We've all seen the video...

Actually, I didn't see the video. :shrug:

Ya been hidin' under a rock?

Honestly, the increase in divisiveness and violence has been an ongoing trend since the first Bush administration. The divisiveness is clearly a goal of both the left and the right (one of the reasons I say there isn't that much difference) and the violence is due to the desensitization thorough various sources (including, whether you want to admit it or not, video games). What do we do about it? Simple, bring back real punishment for bad behavior. If actions like this have serious and immediate consequences, they won't happen so often. I hear a lot of people ask what's wrong with society today. We broke it. Now we need to make the hard decisions to try to fix it.
Lazy ass parenting. Peel the onion far enough and the core shows. Whether the blame is placed on television content, violent music lyrics, too much free time, poor role models...whatever. It grows back to lazy or absent parenting. Our daughter, of roughly the same age as these girls, knows better. She has been told to hit BACK if all else fails mind you, but she knows that if she gets involved in something like this, she is safer in the Iraqi army than in this house.
Lazy ass parenting. Peel the onion far enough and the core shows. Whether the blame is placed on television content, violent music lyrics, too much free time, poor role models...whatever. It grows back to lazy or absent parenting. Our daughter, of roughly the same age as these girls, knows better. She has been told to hit BACK if all else fails mind you, but she knows that if she gets involved in something like this, she is safer in the Iraqi army than in this house.

You know, SnP, you're right. Kids that have real parents don't act this way. Of course, your daughter was probably punished when she misbehaved, unlike these brats. But I suspect you also excercised some control over what she saw when she was younger.
If you notice, the article says the same thing. Parental supervision is the best way to prevent juvenile delinquency.
Lazy ass parenting. Peel the onion far enough and the core shows. Whether the blame is placed on television content, violent music lyrics, too much free time, poor role models...whatever. It grows back to lazy or absent parenting.

i'd say you're correct but at the same time i think negligent parenting is only a symptom - what that symptom springs from is the big question. easy way out is to blame 'degradation of traditional values' but ultimately that won't hold much water. marvin harris' book american now AKA why nothing works is kind of a start...
Fair enough. There are several reasons for negligent or absent parenting. I submit that, excluding death, 90% of it boils down to selfishness though.
Some parents are misgided and teach their children hate. It's not selfishness, just passing on their own messed up values.
disturbed by lack of adult guidance for teens

Gotta have both parents work so we can get a bigger house & a better minivan (and an Audi) & afford a better vacation to the trendiest spots & buy $400. boots & get that 65' TV & forget how to cook so we can eat out every night and...and...and...

Keeping up with the Joneses.
Gotta have both parents work so we can get a bigger house & a better minivan (and an Audi) & afford a better vacation to the trendiest spots & buy $400. boots & get that 65' TV & forget how to cook so we can eat out every night and...and...and...

Keeping up with the Joneses.

*handonhip 'scuse me? Leave the Audi alone, thankyouverymuch...:p
BAD is subjective. I think you would teach your kids bad values. However, it is YOUR job to teach YOUR kids as YOU see fit.
Teaching kids hate is not selfishness. Sure, whether you see that as a good value is a different story.